Under the Elections Act of Ontario, school boards are required to provide space in schools for polling stations. Returning Officers seeking the use of school facilities must obtain a permit to do so.
To obtain a Permit, Returning Officers must:
- Complete an for each school site required (include on the application form the number of polling stations and number of tables and chairs required).
Note: copy the form as needed – one for each school is required.
- Communicate directly with the school Principal and Head Caretaker to:
- Confirm that the space is suitable
- Ensure that the facilities requested are wheelchair accessible, if required
- Determine if security guards are a requirement (at the discretion of the school principal)
- Confirm availability of furniture requirements
- Obtain the signatures of the Principal and Head Caretaker on the application form
The ÎÛÎÛÂþ» Permit Unit will:
- Upon receipt of completed applications for permits, signed by the Principal and Head Caretaker at each school site, establish a permit for each school site requested.
- Advise Returning Officers when Permits for each Riding/Electoral District are ready for pick up.
- The Permit issued is confirmation and is the Rental Agreement with the ÎÛÎÛÂþ» and will include permit fees and/or fees or conditions based on agreements made with the following levels of government:
- Elections City/Municipal
- Elections Ontario/Provincial
- Elections Canada/Federal
Summer Election Information
In the event that the date of the polling day is during the summer:
(a) Permit staff will help facilitate communication with summer program providers, and with caretaking staff on duty, in an attempt to accommodate polling stations either in the requested facility or an alternate suitable location within the school; however,
(b) It is important to note that major construction projects are scheduled during the summer and access to some school sites may not be possible due to safety concerns.