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Special Education and Inclusion Drop-in Sessions for Parents/Guardians/Caregivers: Learn more about navigating special education services, resources and supports, ask questions, and connect with other families. .
Special Education and Inclusion Parent Engagement Sessions:Join us for these topic-specific sessions throughout the school year. This year, will be sharing strategies for parents to use at home for literacy and numeracy and functional skills learning, strategies for supporting students with autism, and strategies for successful transitions from activity to activity, school to school, and school to post-21 years.
The Special Education and Inclusion Department, in collaboration with all staff, is committed to providing equitable access to learning opportunities for all students, through our ongoing commitment to human rights, anti-oppression and anti-ableism.
The work of the Special Education and Inclusion Department is guided by the goals outlined in the Multi-Year Strategic Plan (MYSP), which specifically focus on improving learning experiences for students with disabilities and special education needs:
Should you require additional information after navigating the site, please contact the principal of yourneighborhood school.
This Is How I Roll
In the 2023-24 school year, received Ministry funding for innovative projects to support students with disabilities.This funding allowed the launch of the “This is How I Roll Pilot Project”.Students with physical disabilities were invited to join Occupational Therapy/Physiotherapy (OT/PT) Services staff members to participate in collaborative engagement sessions that focused on topics about disability pride, strengths discovery, and empowerment.
With additional funding, ’s OT/PT Services intends to expand this project to build knowledge and awareness amongst educators to benefit more students with disabilities.