Under , when a student is identified as exceptional, the IPRC will also decide placement for the student, using ÎÛÎÛÂþ» criteria and taking into account parental preference. In making a placement decision, the IPRC must first consider placement in Regular Class with Special Education programs and services before a placement of Special Education Class.
Regular Class Placement
Most students identified as exceptional learners can be appropriately supported in a regular classroom setting through the development of an Individual Education Plan (IEP), school-based special education teacher support and when required, professional support services which are available on a referral basis.
Regular Class with a specified support setting describing appropriate special education services, the IPRC placement decision for students with special education needs for whom more than 50% of instructional time is delivered by a regular class teacher in a regular classroom. The IPRC can choose from three Regular Class support settings – Indirect Support, Resource Assistance (Elementary) and Withdrawal Assistance.
- Regular Class with Indirect Support The student will attend a regular class for the entire school day and receives direct instruction from a regular classroom teacher, who receives specialized consultative services from a special education teacher.
- Regular Class with Resource Assistance (Elementary) The student will attend a regular class and receive direct, specialized instruction, individually or in a small group from a special education teacher within the regular classroom.
- Regular Class with Withdrawal Assistance The student will attend a regular class and receives instruction outside the regular classroom for less than 50% of the school day from a special education teacher.
Special Education Class Placement
Special Education Class is the IPRC placement decision for those students with special education needs for whom 50% or more of instructional time is delivered by a special education teacher in a special education classroom, where the pupil-teacher ratio conforms to (R.R.O.1990, Section 31).
There are two settings for Special Education Class placement – with Partial Integration or Full Time.
- Special Education Class with Partial Integration The student will attend a special education class and is integrated with a regular class for parts of the student’s instructional program (a minimum of one instructional period daily).
- Special Education Class Full Time The student will attend a special education class for the entire school day.
More information about IPRCs can be found on the or in the following ÎÛÎÛÂþ» resources:
Guide to Special Education and Inclusion for Parents/Guardians/Caregivers
ÎÛÎÛÂþ» Special Education Plan