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French Language

One of the Ministry’s guiding principles for French language is that French language programs are for all students. Like other students, students with disabilities and special education needs can benefit from and thrive in French language programs.

Educators in French language programs use assessment strategies to identify students’ strengths and learning needs, and implement a Tiered Approach to instruction through Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Differentiated Instruction (DI) to ensure students are set up for success. If needed, educators in French language programs develop IEPs (Individual Education Plans) for students with disabilities and special education needs.

Inclusion in Core French Programs

Core French is a mandatory part of the elementary and secondary school programs. For the majority of students, there will be no exemption from Core French. Please refer to the  for more information.

For more information regarding French language programs, please refer to the Ministry of Education policy document entitled  and ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­’s Special Education and Inclusion in French Language Programs page.