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Fundraising Policies and Procedures

Policies guide all the activities of the and procedures are developed to implement the vision and intent of the policies, “the how-to.” 

When considering any school-based or board-wide fundraising activity, these policies are a good place to start. 
• Fundraising Policy, PR021 BUS
Fundraising Procedures, PR508

• Advertising Procedure, PR507
• Naming Schools and Special Purpose Areas Policy, P047 BUS
• Distribution and Display of Materials for Students and Parents From External Groups Policy, PR041 SCH
• Distribution and Display of Materials for Students and Parents From External Groups Procedures, PR565

Navigating through policies and procedures can be a daunting task. To discuss any policies and procedures for fundraising, potential business sponsorship opportunities or the distribution of materials, please contact our Business Development office at 416-395-9694.