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The ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ works hard to support our school communities, and this is especially important as we come together to support those impacted by COVID-19. There are many ways you can support your community, including monetary and in-kind donations. 

To donate, please review the options below. If you have any questions, please email businesshelpdesk@tdsb.on.ca.

Please note that the ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ is a registered charity and donations made to the ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ are eligible for tax receipts for income tax purposes.  

Information for School Councils:

In general, schools and school councils are not permitted to fundraise for anything that the government funding typically covers.

Every occupied classroom, portable and Wellness room will soon be outfitted with an institutional grade HEPA filter, following the province’s most recent funding announcement. Given this, local fundraising for HEPA units is unnecessary. Please consider other priority areas for school fundraising.

As the ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ has sufficient inventory of face coverings for students who are unable to bring one to school, there is no immediate need for schools or school councils to fundraise for masks or face coverings for students at this time. 

Where and How To Give

Donate to Technology in Schools

Donations made to the Technology in Schools Fund will directly support students' computing needs. Due to the amount of devices distributed to families in need during the period of school closures, we require this support to replenish technology in our schools. Monetary donations (and not those in-kind) would be appreciated in order for IT Services to administer a consistent and secure computing environment.

(Please select school in the drop down menu)
Donate to School Ground Projects

Donors are welcome to contribute funding towards making improvements to school grounds. Projects can be initiated by local schools and can include features such as tree planting, outdoor seating, simple shade structures, basketball nets, line painting, and paved trails.

Approvals are required prior to the initiation of projects. Simple projects require an On-site Design Consultation, and more complex projects need a Viability Review. Learn more about initiating a project .

Please note that school ground projects can take a year or more to plan and execute, depending on the complexity of the project and the number of projects in the queue. Project costs and timing are typically discussed during the On-site Design Consultation and Viability Review process.

(Please select the school in the drop-down menu, then choose "school grounds fundraiser" in the "Initiative" drop-down menu)
Donate to Student Nutrition Programs

On a normal day, over 200,000 students across our city receive breakfasts and snacks through school nutrition programs. As a result of COVID-19 school closures and the move to virtual learning, many students have not been able to benefit from the program.

Many wonderful corporate sponsors have come together to help cover the cost of food cards, but the need is great. This funding will also be used towards grocery food cards for students participating in virtual schools who cannot benefit from the program on school sites.

If you would like to help provide nutrition support to children during this time, please donate now. On behalf of the children we serve, thank you for your support.

Donate to Backpack and School Supplies Drive

All students should have access to backpacks and school supplies to help them get the most out of their school experience – and you and/or your business can help our students and families in need with a donation to the ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­’s Backpacks & School Supplies Drive!

Backpacks and school supplies can be expensive. They can also wear out easily or are often lost or misplaced by students throughout the school year. They represent a difficult purchase for some students and for their families.

The ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ is Canada’s largest and most diverse school board, with more than 247,000 students in 583 schools across Toronto. One in every three children live in poverty right here in our city and many of our students are new to Canada. We know that there are many students who are not equipped with school supplies for the school year. As we continue to deal with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the need is even greater for many of our families.

This year’s Backpacks & School Supplies Drive will run from March 1, 2022 to the end of September 2022. Individual donors and companies can help our students by making a monetary donation and/or a donation of new backpacks and school supplies. Tax receipts are available for these donations.

100% of all proceeds and in-kind donations go to benefit our students

Note: Due to potential health & safety, hygiene, sorting and storage limitations, the ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ can only accept new items.

Please contact the Business Development department at BusinessDevelopment@tdsb.on.ca for more information about how to donate new items.

Donate to Winter Clothing Drive

One in every three children lives in poverty right here in our city and too many children come to school without proper clothing to keep them warm during the winter months. In addition, many ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ students are new to Canada and this may be their first time experiencing a Canadian winter. 

Winter is a hard time of year for families in need, and when we all come together as a community to solve problems, wonderful things can happen. 

The ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ holds an annual Winter Outerwear Drive to help ensure that all students have warm winter clothing to get to and from school, and are prepared to participate in all of the fun outdoor activities winter has to offer. You can support our students and their families by making a donation to provide warm winter coats, pants, hats, gloves, and boots. We will accept any new winter outerwear items. Tax receipts are available for these donations.

100% of all proceeds and in-kind donations go to benefit our students

For In-kind Donations, please fill out the online form, save the changes and email the completed form to BusinessDevelopment@tdsb.on.ca. Due to potential health & safety, hygiene, sorting and storage limitations, the ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ can only accept new clothing items.  

Donate to the Central Equity Fund

The Central Equity Fund was established in 2003 and was originally used to provide additional support to schools ranked most in need according to the Learning Opportunity Index.

The funds are targeted for students in underserved communities to ensure equitable access to resources. The Central Equity Fund also supports schools that are unable to generate significant donations by minimizing the fundraising gap across the system. These funds may be allocated to program fees and school supplies for low income families, personal items for students in need, technology enhancements, student nutrition and other initiatives relating to equity, anti-oppression and anti-racism.

Method of payment

To donate online, or select one of the direct links above.

To donate by cheque, please submit the cheque addressed to the “ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­”, along with a letter outlining the purpose of the donation, name of school recipient or name of the central initiative (see above), and the donor’s contact information (full name and home address). Please send the cheque and letter to: ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­, Attention: General Accounting Department, 5050 Yonge Street, 3rd floor, Toronto, Ontario M2N 5N8. Please do not mail cash.

Please Note: ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ will make all reasonable efforts to accommodate the intended purpose of the donation. Donations to a specific ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ school or program will be directed to that school or program if specified by the donor. ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ will not redirect such donations to another ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ school, program, central department or fund unless it is a term/condition of the donation. However, if the original purpose of the donation no longer exists, or cannot to be complied with, or if the donation cannot be fully utilized for that purpose, or if the donation violates ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ policy or the law (e.g., Human Rights Code), ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ reserves the right to redirect the donation made to other appropriate charitable purposes. All monetary donations to the ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ become property of the ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­.