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Community Advisory Committees

Community Advisory Committees (CACs) have been established to improve parental and community input on policy and program issues. These committees will have the opportunity to advise the Board on its policies and programs, in addition to providing an advocacy role for parents and the community.

CAC Review & Recommendations

Board of Trustees -CAC Governance Procedure (PR741)

The CAC governance procedure includes provisions that pertain to the authority and responsibility of the Board of Trustees and requires the Board’s approval. The sections within the procedure govern the establishment and dissolution of CACs, approval and amendment of CACs’ terms of reference (TOR), reporting to the Board, as well as provisions related to roles and responsibilities of individual Trustees sitting at CACs as members.

CAC Operational Procedure(PR742)

The Operational Procedure falls within the authority of the Director of Education and outlines operations for staff, CAC members, the public, etc.

CAC Procedure Summary & Next Steps

Click here to view the implementation roadmap