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Frequently Asked Questions



When can I book spaces for summer?

Applications for the summer season (indoors, July & August) will be accepted during the month of February.

How long before my event should I request a permit?

You need to request your permit a minimum of 3 weeks before you require confirmation of the requested space. The deadline dates that you can submit permit applications for bulk processing are June 1 for school year indoor permits; March 1 for summer indoor permits; January 31 for outdoor field permits. As new permit requests are on a first come first served basis the earlier you submit an application the better chance you have of securing your first choice. Returning permit groups may have priority for renewal.

Why does the ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ need to know how many participants?

Our on-site staff need to be aware of how many people will be entering our schools. This information is also required for Ministry of Education reports so that the school board continues to receive Community Use of Schools funding. It is also important in the event of an emergency requiring site evacuation.

Can I remove or exclude known conflicting dates before submitting my bookings?

Yes, if you can identify conflicts as well as having dates that you want to exclude, you can remove them before making your submission.

Do all schools cost the same?

The same fee schedule applies to all the schools within the ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ and can be viewed at Permits Categories and Fees

What is recognized as a Not-For-Profit group?

Registered charity

  • Registered organization that has legal documentation to establish its operation as Not-for-Profit
  • Bona fide community groups with a Board of Directors operated by volunteers. Additional information can be obtained at: Permits Categories and Fees



How can I find out what is available?

On the Booking page, use the Calendar or catalogue to search for space available for rent. You can use filters for narrowing your search.

What are the hours/days of Community Use of Schools?

Certain periods are excluded. Information regarding Dates and Times of use can be found here: Permits Dates and Times of Use

There are specific time periods for requesting a permit: School year September to June; Outdoor permits May to October; Indoor summer permits July and August. For school year permits: you may request anytime between 6 pm and 10 pm for most schools. Some schools are not available after 6 pm or 8 pm, depending on caretaker. On weekends permits must go no later than 6:00 pm on Saturdays or 3:00 pm on Sunday.

What is the minimum/maximum number of hours one can permit per day?

Weekday permits are available from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm. The maximum time for a weekday is 4 hours and the minimum is an hour. The minimum weekend rental time is 5 hours for a minimum of 5 classrooms or a space equivalent to a gym. This includes time required to make open, clean and close the facility. If there are multiple permits using the same school the minimum number of hours can be reduced provided that the school will be permitted collectively up to 5 hours.

What days/periods are not available for permits?

School year indoor permits are not available on Statutory Holidays, Christmas and New Year Break, March Break, Easter Monday, the first week of September and the last two full weeks of June. For the summer period, evenings during the months of July and August and daytime for the last two weeks of August are not available for permits. Exceptions may be granted for Summer School and other Board- related programs.

How do I gain access into the school?

Prior to the first day of indoor permit you should communicate with the Permits Unit and/or the Head Caretaker to find out the procedure and timing for entrance to the building. It is recommended that you get a cell phone number to contact the Caretaker on duty if for some reason that the Caretaker is not at the door at the scheduled time. Should the school remain not accessible way after your start time, please call the ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ Call Center, the number is on your permit.

How much time is allotted at the end of my permit?

As a permit holder, you are required to vacate the school by the end of your permit time. For example, if your permit's end time is 10 pm you must vacate the school by 10 pm. There is no time allotted at the end of your permit.

How can I determine if the site is suitable?

Some details about a facility can be obtained from the school such as Accessibility or square footage of a gym/Cafeteria. This information is not available on the ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ website. Gyms are classified as either Single (Aprox. 3000 sq.ft to 4000 sq.ft) or Double (Aprox 7000 sq.ft to 8000 sq.ft). It is also possible to arrange a site visit with the school.

Who has the detailed information on whether space is available?

Our online search availability tool and booking shows real-time availability.



When is a permit application processed?

Bulk processing for permits starts after the relevant application period for the permit closes i.e. June 1 for school year permits; March 1 for summer indoor and outdoor permits; January 31 for outdoor permits. The duration for processing and issuance of each permit varies depending on factors such as school consultations, caretaking as well as the period requested information and documentation is provided by the permit requestor.

How long will it take before my permit is approved?

Bulk processing for permits starts after the relevant application period for the permit closes. If you submit a permit outside of the initial bulk processing period you should have your permit approved within 3 weeks (depending on availability).

How is an application processed?

The online request is submitted to the Permit Unit for processing. Once reviewed by the school principal and permit office and all requested information including insurance and payment is received, the permit is then Approved and can start. All communication regarding the permit is sent through the Permit Discussion Portal on eBase.

How will I know when my permit is approved?

Once your permit has been approved, you will receive a notice via your Permit account Inbox. Be sure to respond promptly and check the dates and times for accuracy.

What if we need to make changes to our permit once it is approved?

Changes, additions and cancellations to your permit can be requested by contacting the Permits Unit using the discussion tool on your Permit Account. There will be a charge for all amendments and cancellations. These should be received at least Seven days prior.



Can I book half a gymnasium?

Gymnasium rentals are as listed and are typically based on a full gym. Partition doors remain open for all rentals.

Can we rent out classroom space?

Classrooms may be available to community groups at the discretion of the Principal.

What if I want a specific room?

Gyms (do not include showers), auditoriums, cafeterias and outdoor spaces are the facilities approved for community use. If you wish to use another space in the facility, please ask the Permits Unit and we will seek school approval.

What do I do if there is another group using my permitted space at the time of the permit?

You should always have a copy of your permit on your person and refer to it to ensure that you are at the correct school and space. Our Booking system does not allow us to issue two permits for the same space, double bookings will never occur. If there is another group using the space during your permitted times kindly contact Board Security and the number is listed on the permit (Call Centre 416-395-4620). Response time varies as geographic areas of coverage are large. The caretaker is not responsible for the Board security.

What do I do if my group has a special request or accommodation request?

If your group requires any form of accommodation not listed on the application, you can add your request in the comment box (Step #4 of the Permit Application process)



Do I require insurance in order to permit ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ space?

All permits must have insurance coverage and ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ added as the additionally insured. Please upload your certificate of insurance when you submit your online permit request. When requested, we provide information to groups looking to purchase the necessary liability insurance.

What is required for the Certificate of Insurance?

The Certificate of Insurance naming the ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ as an “additional insured” should carry minimum liability coverage of $2,000,000. It must be a current certificate.

What type of groups/activities are not eligible for ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ permits?


  • Private group uses such as wedding receptions, anniversary celebrations, wedding/baby showers, baptism celebrations, birthday parties, product promotion parties and similar private gatherings
  • Uses where activities of the group are incompatible or competing with the interests of the Board or are in conflict with the Board’s Continuing Education Programs.
  • Where activities are a direct violation of Municipal, Provincial and Federal Bylaws and Laws




Can we use school equipment?

The Permit allows for the use of the space, any tables and chairs in the room, and gym fixtures. Any other school equipment is not included in the Permit unless separate arrangements have been approved by the Principal in advance. Equipment is not part of your permit.

All permit groups must bring their own equipment and consumable items, and remove them at the end of each booking.

Can we store our equipment in the school space?

We do not provide storage space for all our permit holders. Your permit does not include use of any storage space.

Why are security personnel required for my permit?

Pay-duty police officer(s) are required for special events/tournaments with a large attendance in order to provide crowd control measures if necessary and to ensure the security of the property and participants. Arrangements are to be made by the permit applicant and payment is to be made according to procedures provided by the Police Department.

Why are media technicians required for my permit?

Special event requirements such as auditorium lighting and sound may be available but only if operated by board assigned technical stage crew. If requested on the application for permit, Permit Unit staff will make arrangements for a technician(s) to provide this service (fees will be added to the Permit Contract).

What can I expect from the ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ for support?

A minimum of 1 caretaker will be on duty during your permit time. The caretaker is only available for matters that require urgent attention and for unlocking rooms listed on the permit and requested bathrooms.

You can have the expectation that the facility will be in a safe condition. Any problems should be reported to the Permit Unit. The water in swimming pools will be between 78-82 degrees.

Who do I speak to if I am unhappy about my permit?

You should contact the Permit Unit using the Discussion Box on your permit Account. If you are not satisfied with the answer you receive you can ask for the matter to be escalated within the Permit Unit (Supervisor and/or Manager). You can also provide feedback through our Feedback Form- Quality of Service available at: the Permits Page.

What do I do if there is a problem during my permit and there is no caretaker available in the school (e.g. summer permit of fields)?

You should always have a copy of your permit on your person. There is a contact number for the Board’s 24 hr Call Center listed on the permit (Call Centre 416-395-4620). Response time varies as geographic areas of coverage are large.