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Beyond 8 Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

Frequently Asked Questions


Where can I find the Open House and Information Night details?

Open House and Information Night details for schools are available at

Where can I find the Beyond 8 Video?

The Beyond 8 video can be found on the Beyond 8 Webpage:

Where can I find a recording of the Preparing for High School webinars?

The recordings of the webinars can be found on the Guidance Webpage:

How do I get to the myBlueprint website?

You can access the myBlueprint website at . For step-by-step instructions from myBlueprint about how to complete the Grade 8 Course Selection, click the following link:

How can I find my designated school by address (home school)?

Please go to the website and Find Your School - By Address:

How can we apply to our home school ?

Students do not need to "apply" to attend their designated school by address (home school). Students attending their home school complete their course selection in myBlueprint.

What is a Secondary School Without a Boundary?

In the former Toronto Board of Education, specific schools were established to provide technical and commercial programming. Currently, these former Technical and Commercial schools provide a full complement of courses and programs to support students on their journeys to Apprenticeship, College, University or the workplace.

The legacy technical and commercial boundaries for the five schools listed below have been dissolved to expand access to all students in Toronto. Beginning with admissions for September 2025, all interested students mustapply for entry to a Secondary School without a Boundary (SSWAB) regardless of where they live.

The Secondary Schools without a Boundary are:

  • Central Technical School
  • Central Toronto Academy
  • Danforth Collegiate and Technical Institute
  • Western Technical-Commercial School
  • Northern Secondary School*

Where can I find more informationabout Secondary Schools Without a Boundary?

More information for Secondary Schools Without a Boundary (SSWAB) can be found at .

What is a feeder school?

A feeder school is an elementary school where the majority or large number of its students attend one secondary school based on address of residence. The elementary school then feeds into the secondary school.

Where can I find the schools that have Central Student Interest programs?

Secondary Central Student Interest programs and schools can be found

Where can I find the Choices Guides?

There are currently two Choices digital magazines that can be found

  • Choices: Planning for Grade 9contains information about course types and diploma requirements. It also explains other relevant opportunities available throughout high school.
  • Choices: Secondary Program Guidewill help you explore the many programs available in secondary schools.

Are there Guidance Counselors/Elementary Itinerant Counselors available to support Grade 8 students?

There are Elementary Guidance Teachers who are supporting Grade 8 students with the Grade 8 to 9 transition process. Students can also get support from their Grade 8 teachers.

Is there a timeline available?

A year at a glance timeline can be found on our Beyond 8 Website:

What are the new online graduation requirements

Information about the online graduation requirements can be found:

How can students apply to attend Virtual Secondary School?

Learn more about Virtual Secondary School:

Reach Ahead Credit

Grade 8 students, in the summer before entering Grade 9, may register for the Exploring Technology (TAS1O1) Reach Ahead course during the summer session through Continuing Education. Grade 8 students are not eligible to enrol into any other Secondary Credit during the Summer with the . Summer School is available in In-Person, Parent/Guardian(s) and students must consult with their Grade 8 Principal or day school Guidance Counsellor (secondary) regarding course selections.

Central Student Interest Programs

How many Central Student Interest Programs can I apply to?

Students can apply to one (1)primary program. Applicants can choose to include an alternate choice. Alternate choices will only be considered after ALL primary applicants from the City of Toronto have been accommodated. The two choices could be two schools offering the same type of program or two different types of programs.

Can students with Individual Education Plans (IEPs) or exceptionalities apply to the Central Student Interest programs?

Yes, students who have Individual Education Plans or exceptionalities may apply to the Central Student Interest Program. They will continue to have an IEP and would have regular class placement with either indirect or withdrawal assistance (access to GLE) support.

Intensive Support Programs (ISPs) are assigned support staff to be shared by all students attending the program. If a child opts to leave an ISP for a Central Student Interest Program the support staff assigned to the program will not follow.

If a student is in a gifted program, will applying to a Central Student Interest Program impact their ability to continue in a gifted high school program if they don’t get in?

No, a student may apply to a Central Student Interest Program. If they get accepted into, and choose to attend, the Central Student Interest Program they will discontinue in their ISP program placement.

If I’m applying to a central student interest program, do I need to fill out an out-of-area form as well?

No. These are two separate applications and processes. No Out-of-Area Admissions form is required for Central Student Interest Programs.

Are all CSIP in-person, or are there virtual options?

All Central Student Interest Programs are in-person.

I have 2 children going into Grade 9 and both are interested in the same Arts school. Will they be accommodated in this random selection process so that they may both go to the same school?

There is no sibling priority associated with Central Student Interest Programs, either when siblings are applying in the same grade, or when a second sibling applies to attend the same program that an older sibling already attends.

If your designated high school offers one of the Central Student Interest Programs you are interested in, do you still need to apply?

Yes. All applicants are required to apply for Central Student Interest Programs, whether they live in the local area or not.

What should my child do for their Expression of Interest?

There is no right or wrong way to approach completing the Expression of Interest. Your child is encouraged to find the best way to share their love, curiosity and passion for the program they are applying to. It can be written, recorded or photographed. More details about Expressions of Interest can be found on the Expression of Interest website



Could my child’s Expression of Interest be deemed insufficient?

Each Expression of Interest must make reference to or be directly connected to the Central Student Interest Program applied for. If a child expresses that they do not want to attend the program, that would make the applicant ineligible.

All applicant submissions must adhere to policies regarding Human Rights, Discrimination and Hate. Submissions. Expressions of Interest that contravene these policies will be addressed and the applications will be deemed ineligible.

What happens if my child does not share access to their Expression of Interest correctly?

Central Staff will be reviewing the Expressions of Interest. If they cannot access the submitted file, they will email both the applicant and the parent/guardian to request access. They will provide brief instructions on how to “share” the file.

Where possible, a second reminder email will be sent. All Expressions of Interest must be submitted/shared by the application deadline of November 24.

Out of Area Admissions

Out of Area Admissions

Information regarding Out of Area Admissions can be found at

What happened to Optional Attendance?

The Out of Area Admissions procedure and the Central Student Interest Program procedure have replaced what was known as Optional Attendance.

Information regarding Out of Area Admissions can be found at

Information about the Secondary Central Student Interest Programs, please visit

These are now two separate applications, open at different times.

What are the key Out of Area Admissions Dates? 

The Secondary Out-of-Area Admissions Key Dates can be found at /Find-your/School/Out-of-Area-Admissions/Secondary

How many schools can a student apply to through the Out-of-Area Admissions Process?

A student may apply for one (1) regular program outside of their designated attendance area through Out-of-Area admissions. It may be for either Regular (English) programming or French where applicable. Only students already currently enrolled in French programming (or pre-registered for JK / Grade 4 entry) can apply for a French program through Out-of-Area Admissions.

Can a student apply to a school through the Out-of-Area Admissions process AND a Central Student Interest Program?

Out-of-Area admissions and Central Student Interest Programs are two separate applications and open at different times. Students can apply to one (1) Out-of-Area school and one (1) Central Student Interest Program. Applicants may include an alternate choice in their Central Student Interest Program application.

Information regarding Out of Area Admissions can be found at

Information about the Secondary Central Student Interest Programs, please visit

How do I access the Out of Area Admissions application?

This form will be available online on January 8th. Please click on the this link to for more information:

French Language Programs

If my child is already in a French immersion program do they have to apply for the secondary program their school feeds to or is it automatic? 

If your child is attending the French Immersion program school that serves your home address, they will flow to the next school on the pathway. Your current school will aid with this process. 

Can I begin French Immersion/Extended French at Grade 9?

No. Students who will continue French Immersion or Extended French began in either Kindergarten, Grade 4 or Grade 7. There is no entry to French Immersion or Extended French at Grade 9.

Students who complete the elementary Early French Immersion or Extended French program through grade 8 may choose to continue that program at the designated pathway school for French Immersion or Extended French.

How do I determine my French Immersion/Extended French secondary school.

Every elementary FI/EF school has a designated pathway school for secondary. Please find pathway information here:

What if I am at my elementary French Immersion/Extended French program as an out-of-area (formerly optional attendance) student?

If the FI/EF school you are attending in Grade 8 is not your home FI/EF school by address, you will likely have to continue at the FI/EF secondary school for your home address.

If the school you are attending in Grade 8 is not your home FI/EF school by address and you wish to attend the pathway school for that school you will have to apply via the Out-of-Area Admissions procedure.

How do I know if I am an out-of-area (formerly optional attendance) student?

If you have changed home address since your initial placement in FI/EF you would have been allowed to complete the grade range of your FI/EF school but would be considered “Out-of-Area” to that pathway.

If you applied to your FI/EF school via the Out-of-Area (formerly Optional Attendance) process in the first place, you are attending your school as an Out-of-Area student.

What are my options for studying French at secondary school if I am not in FI or EF?

All students must complete 1 FSL credit at the secondary level to complete the requirements of the OSSD. Usually this credit is taken in Grade 9.

  • There is a beginner French credit for any student who does not have the 600 hours of instruction in French at the elementary level.

  • Many schools offer Core French through Grade 12

Students who complete all 4 FSF (Core French) credits receive the certificate of achievement in Core French with their OSSD.

Students may opt to take Ojibwe instead of French to meet this graduation requirement. 

What does French Immersion/Extended French look like in Secondary school?


A student who completes 10 credits in French, 4 FIF credits (French Language) and 6 credits in subjects taught in French, will qualify for the Certificate of Bilingual Studies (French Immersion).

A student who completes 7 credits in French, 4 FEF credits (French Language) and 3 credits in subjects taught in French, will qualify for the Certificate of Bilingual Studies (Extended French).

CSIP and French Programs

Why are French Immersion or Extended French not listed as a Central Student Interest Program?


Entry to French Immersion/Extended French is in the elementary grades (Junior Kindergarten or Grade 4). Students continue through a pathway of French Immersion schools (elementary, intermediate and secondary) set out for their address from the outset of the program. Students cannot begin these programs in secondary school. 

There is no need for a student in Grade 8 to “apply” to French Immersion at secondary except in the case where they wish to attend a school not associated with their home address and for that they would follow the Out-of-Area Admissions procedure.

My child is currently in French Immersion/Extended French. If they are accepted to a Central Student Interest Program do they need to leave the French program? Is it still possible to receive the bilingual certificate?

The Certificate of Bilingual Studies for Extended French/French Immersion is granted on the basis of the completion of a set number of credits both in French Language and in subject courses where the language of instruction is French. To be able to complete these credit requirements, a student must be in attendance at a secondary school that offers these courses and must have time in their schedule to accommodate them. For those reasons, students will choose between a Student Interest Program or an Extended French/French Immersion program.

If I accept the placement in a Central Student Interest program and leave the FI or EF program, can I come back to FI or EF?

There may be some time after the initial acceptance of placement to change your mind. However, once a student has been “made active” at their new secondary school, the return to a French Immersion/Extended French school cannot be guaranteed. Once a student leaves the French Immersion program, consideration for readmission is subject to the following parameters: available space and equivalent academic background in French. Equivalency is only a factor if space is determined at the local home school by address. Should space not be available, then admission is not possible. Space is determined by the local school Principal. 

Is French Immersion or Extended French a Student Special Interest Program?

No. French Immersion/Extended French are optional programs that begin in elementary school.