Students in Grades 9 to 12 may be eligible to receive TTC tickets. Please note transportation is not provided for students attending a school under Optional Attendance.
Special Education students may be eligible to be transported on a school bus.
Applications are accepted year round. Before applying, be sure to check out our eligibility guidelines and our transportation policy
All transportation applications are reviewed individually. These are the factors considered for eligibility
Students in Grade 9 to Grade 12 may be eligible for TTC tickets if they live 4.8 km or more away from their home school.
Special Education
Students in Special Education, in most cases, must meet the distance criteria, but all applications are reviewed individually to identify any unique circumstances.
French Immersion and Gifted
Due to budgetary pressures, the ÎÛÎÛÂþ» will no longer be providing tickets/tokens to students in Grades 9-12 in the French Immersion, Extended French and Gifted programs as of September 2019. In cases of financial need where the student was previously eligible (living beyond 4.8 km from their French/Gifted school), schools may continue to provide TTC tickets/tokens. Please contact your school Principal if you require more information.
Students in wheelchairs are eligible for transportation. Transportation may also be provided for students who have a medical condition or disability that severely limits walking.
Transportation is not provided for students attending any school or special program at their request, even when distance or medical condition is a factor.