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Skilled Trades and Technologies at the ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­

Connectivity, robots and rapid prototyping using 3-D printers are some of the technologies impacting the learning required for journeypersons, also known as skilled trades people. For example, electricians, carpenters and aircraft technicians are a few examples of trades requiring intensive study, which blends technology with careers and academic learning.

At the ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­, there are many ways to explore the over 300 skilled trades and technologies that contribute to our economy. These include: the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship (OYAP) program, technological education programs in 10 broad-based areas of study, the Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) and dual credit programs at Toronto’s colleges. Apprenticeship is a post-secondary pathway which incorporates college study with work-integrated experience, hence the term live your learning!


Experiential Learning


As part of our Student Success Initiatives, we partner with local colleges to provide Dual Credit and School Within a College (SWAC) Programming. These programs allow students to earn high school credits in an adult learning environment while experiencing college in their grade 11 and 12 years as part of their transition to post-secondary education.

To learn more, please visit .

For college specific information, we encourage you to explore our college partner websites.


PACE - Pre-Apprenticeship Cooperative Education


The PACE program is offered in collaboration with ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­'s Design, Construction, Maintenance department, and its trades union, the Maintenance and Construction Skilled Trades Council (MCSTC).

Students will have an opportunity to explore and experience a variety of skilled trades within the construction sector alongside ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ tradesperson employees. Students will earn 4 credits in cooperative education while developing skills related to construction and gain certifications and awareness training recognized by industry.

Skilled trades placements

  • Electrician
  • Carpenter
  • Plumber
  • Bricklayer
  • Millwright
  • Sheet Metal Worker
  • Heating and Air Conditioning
  • Steam Fitter

PACE Information Flyer

Skilled Trades Links

  • Carpenters Union
  • Millwrights
  • Ontario College of Trades

Competitions ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ Participates In

  • First Robotics