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Student Discipline Committee

This website is in place in order to provide useful and detailed information, which is aimed at ensuring there is clear information available to anyone involved in any of the following types of matters, related to their child's education:

  1. Expulsion Hearing 
  2. Appeal of a Student Suspension

You may contact the Coordinator, Student Discipline Committee by any of the following methods :

Telephone Fax E-Mail Mail Schedule
416-393-8939 416-204-5471 SDC-ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­@tdsb.on.ca 5050 Yonge Street Toronto, Ontario, M2N 5N8




HAVE A QUESTION?                

ROLE OF THE CO-ORDINATOR, STUDENT DISCIPLINE COMMITTEE: This office will support the student discipline process by:

  • Coordinating all procedural and scheduling activities related to hearings and appeals;
  • Advising members of the student discipline committee on procedural and other matters to support delivery of fair and impartial proceedings;
  • Ensuring that accurate, timely information and resources are available to parties that are engaged in the student discipline process;

NOTE: This office cannot provide legal advice to you


Dan Nortes'signature

Dan Nortes, Coordinator, Student Discipline Committee