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Long-Term Program and Accommodation Strategy

The Long-Term Program and Accommodation Strategy (LTPAS) is an important document  which helps the ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ plan in a city that is always changing.

Hundreds of new residential units are being built in Toronto every day. This causes population changes and pressure on schools, transit, and roads. The LTPAS enables us to plan studies to balance school enrolments among overcrowded and under-used schools and increase access to programs for all ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ students.

The LTPAS identifies studies over the next ten years. It is updated and approved each year.

The strategy considers different factors such as:

  • demographic changes
  • actual and projected enrolment
  • programs offered at each school
  • equity of opportunities
  • access to programs
  • good distribution and utilization of schools

Types of Accommodation Reviews

Accommodation reviews are processes used to determine what space is needed for students in schools. The LTPAS includes several types of accommodation studies, many of them involve community participation.

Program Priorities

The ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ serves approximately 238,000 students. We want to provide our students with programs that will support their success at school and after graduation.

We want to make sure that we are providing equal opportunities for all ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ students. We are doing this is by providing fair distribution of specialized schools and programs throughout the city and making sure these schools and programs are strong and viable.

The seven program priorities which represent major areas of focus for the entire system are:

  • Secondary Program Review
  • Building the Workforce of Tomorrow
  • French Language Review
  • Elementary and Secondary Alternative Schools
  • Elementary Academies
  • Indigenous Education
  • Special Education and Inclusion