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Other Review


As part of the Long-Term Program and Accommodation Strategy (LTPAS) for the 2024-25 school year, we are conducting a system-wide study of the Elementary Academies, both standalone and those where themes have been embedded within neighbourhood schools.

Elementary Academies were introduced in 2012 to expand the range of educational choices available to families. Nine programs were established:

Five neighborhood schools with a theme: Sports & Wellness or Health & Wellness, achieved through the rebranding of existing schools.

The neighborhood schools with a theme are still in operation as themed academies.

Four ‘standalone’ schools: Boys Leadership Academy, Girls Leadership Academy, and two Vocal Music Academies.

Standalone programs were housed in schools with available space. However, as of September 2024, all standalone programs have been paused due to low enrollment.

Current Focus:
We are currently focusing on the five neighborhood schools with a theme to determine if they should remain branded as Sports & Wellness or Health & Wellness or if they should return to neighbourhood public schools. To better understand how these schools are integrating the programs, we are conducting several surveys and questionnaires. Over the course of the school year, we will engage with parents/guardians, parent councils, and principals to explore whether a suffix change would better reflect the school’s identity and align with current ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ policies.

The feedback we gather will play a critical role in guiding our decisions.

Next Steps:
Once feedback is collected, it will be incorporated in the staff report.

Trustee, Ward 9: Alexis Dawson Trustee, Ward 14: Farzana Rajwani
Trustee, Ward 3: Patrick NunziataTrustee, Ward 4: Matias de Dovitiis
Superintendent: John CurrieSuperintendent: Kurt McIntosh
Superintendent: Harpreet GhumanSuperintendent: Jacqueline Spence

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