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Delegation Process - Addressing a Committee

The ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ is committed to advocacy for students, parents and communities. We welcome members of the public to bring forward issues and concerns they have through a delegation, which is addressing a committee of the Board of Trustees (by speaking or submitting a written statement).

Our Delegation Procedure is designed to set out a consistent and easily understandable process for the public and to manage the process in a fair and equitable manner. Full text of the Delegation Procedure can be found here: PR718 - Delegation Procedure

ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ will strive to meet the accommodation needs of persons with disabilities; the delegates are encouraged to make their needs for accommodation known in advance of the Committee meeting by e-mail to delegates@tdsb.on.ca

How to Address a Committee

Requests to speak to a permanent, statutory, standing or special (ad-hoc) committee must be submitted in writing to Governance and Board Services by 4 p.m., two (2) working days before the committee meeting day by submitting the Delegation Request Form:

Requests must include:

  • the name of the speaker and the name of the organization (if the speaker is representing an organization such as a school council or community group)
  • the topic and a description of the delegation matter
  • contact information for the speaker (address, phone number and/or e-mail)

Individuals may submit written statements to a committee which will be distributed to the members of the committee prior to the meeting. Written statements must be delivered to the Governance and Board Services at least two (2) working days before the committee meeting.

To register a delegation or for more information regarding the process, contact Governance and Board Services at:

* Please note, the phone and fax numbers below are temporarily not being monitored. Please submit delegation requests via email. *

  • Email: delegates@tdsb.on.ca
  • Phone: 437-998-5970 or 437-998-5941
  • Fax: 416-393-9969 (with Attention: Written Submission for Consideration by Trustees)
  • Mailing address:
    Governance and Board Services
    5050 Yonge Street
    Toronto, Ontario
    M2N 5N8

A request for delegation may be dropped off in-person at the above address to the Reception at the main floor.

General Delegation Rules

Subject Matter
Delegations may address a permanent, statutory, standing or special (ad-hoc) committee on an item on the agenda or on another matter relevant to the mandate of the committee. Information about committees and their mandates is available on the ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­’s website: Trustee Committees

Time Allotted
The length of time allotted for presentation by a delegation will be up to five (5) minutes. If a delegation involves more than one speaker, the maximum time allotted remains at five (5) minutes.

Acceptable Behaviour
Delegations are encouraged to voice concerns but should not use any offensive language, make negative or derogatory personal references, or cross debate with other delegates, staff or trustees of the Board.

Following presentations, members of the committee and other trustees may ask brief questions for clarification only.

Discussion of presentations will take place when their corresponding items are reached on the meeting agenda. If the delegation addressed a matter relevant to the mandate of the committee, but not an item on the agenda for that meeting, a trustee may move a motion requesting consideration of the matter at another regular meeting of the committee.

A delegation may be made on a topic only once to any committee within a 12-month period, unless the subject matter of the delegation has changed substantially.

Exceptional Circumstances
If a situation arises where the number of delegations submitted for a committee meeting cannot be accommodated by the agenda, the Chair of the Board of Trustees, in consultation with the Chair of the Committee and the Executive Officer, Governance and Board Services, will determine whether a special meeting of the Committee of the Whole would be required to hear all delegations.

Confidential Matters
Requests by delegations to appear before a committee on matters which are deemed to be of a confidential nature, (Section 207 (1) and (2) of the Education Act), will be considered in private session. [See Section 3.0 and 6.5 in the Delegation Procedure: Confidential Matters]

Delegation Procedure

A delegation request does not guarantee the approval of your request for a delegation. Please be aware that, under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, information submitted will be considered to be public information and may be subject to full disclosure.