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Student Achievement Plan

In June 2023, the Ministry of Education establishedÌý, which school boards must reflect in the development of their Multi-Year Strategic Plans (MYSP).Ìý

  • Achievement of Learning Outcomes in Core Academic Skills
  • Preparation of Students for Future Success
  • Student Engagement and Well-BeingÌý

The provincial priorities in education re-affirm the °Õ¶Ù³§µþ’s commitment to student achievement and academic success, and are reflected in the renewedÌýMYSP. Inspiring Minds and Shaping Futures: Our Multi-Year Commitment to Student Success (2024-2028).

The ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ will share our progress on an annual basis with students, parents/guardians/caregivers, staff, community partners and education partners through theÌýStudent Achievement Plan.ÌýThe ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ will use three main strategies integrated with equity and a commitment to Truth and Reconciliation to improve student experiences and learning outcomes:

  • Central professional learning sessions, webinars, and resources often open to all educators as relevant.
  • Targeted support for individual schools, teachers, and students depending context, needs, resources, and relevance.
  • A school improvement process within all schools in which schools work with the local community to establish three core schoolÌýgoals in achievement, belonging, and Indigenous Education. Schools throughout the year go through a process of planning, acting, and reflecting to achieve their goals.

Below are selected examples of strategies in place (or currently under development) which will support the °Õ¶Ù³§µþ’s achievement of its MYSP.

Anti-Hate and Anti-Racism Strategy
The °Õ¶Ù³§µþ’s Anti-Hate and Anti-Racism Strategy Ìýis a community-led and ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ staff facilitated strategy to proactively combat hate and racism in schools in support of student achievement and well-being.Ìý

Capital Revitalization Strategy
Capital Revitalization Strategy is a program to revitalize ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ school buildings to bring them up to a good state of repair with contemporary spaces. The long-term goal of the strategy is for ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ to not have any school buildings classified as requiring extensive improvement by 2035. The mid-term goal is to reduce the number of school buildings classified as requiring extensive improvement by 25% by 2028. The goal, specifically the timing, will be reviewedÌý regularly to assess progress and the impact of external factors.

Indigenous Education Strategy

Guided by the Elders Council, the UIEC is dedicated to enhancing First Nations, Métis and Inuit students’ well-being and achievement including Indigenous language revitalization and land-based education. The Indigenous Education Strategy supports all students and staff by improving/expanding knowledge of Indigenous histories, contemporary contexts, perspectives, achievements and contributions. Work across the Indigenous StrategyÌý focuses on the following SevenÌý Canopies: Student Voice, Professional Learning, Community Engagement, Partnerships, Programming and Curriculum Development, Research and Innovation, Truth and Reconciliation, and Self-Determination. For more information, please see our program offerings.

Literacy Strategy
The Literacy Strategy 2024-2027 will ensure that all students achieve high levels of literacy regardless of their background or social identity. A focus will be placed on providing specific oral language, reading and writing instruction and learning experiences that cultivate a sense of joy, engagement and belonging. The ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ Literacy Strategy is currently being finalized.Ìý

Math Achievement Action Plan

The ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ is committed to providing exceptional, inclusive, empowering and culturally responsive mathematics education for all students. We believe strongly that every math classroom across our system should be a place where students of all backgrounds and abilities can excel. Our aim is for all students to reach high levels of academic achievement, while also developing a deep appreciation for mathematics that will serve them in the future, regardless of the pathway they follow.


°Õ¶Ù³§µþ’s , Mathematics for All: Supporting & Empowering Every Student, Every Classroom , was approved in 2023 and guides this work. As a system, we continue to monitor ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ EQAO results and make adjustments to the plan as needed.

Mental Health and AddictionÌýStrategy
The Mental Health and AddictionÌýStrategy 2023-2026 is rooted in the foundational principles of Belonging, Mattering, Equity, and Inclusion, in alignment with the components of the new Multi-Year Strategic Plan. It advocates for the inherent right of all students to experience a deep sense of belonging in their school enviro nments, challenging deficit thinking and promoting asset-based approaches to daily mental health and wellbeing for students and staff alike, while recognizing and centring all intersecting social identities.Ìý

Completed Student Achievement Plan PublicÌýReporting Template for 2024

View the Student Achievement Plan actions below:


Achievement of Learning Outcomes in Core Academic Skills: Literacy

To support all students in literacy achievement, the ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ is providing:

Professional Learning to Support Student Literacy Success:

  • The implementation of the Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1 to 8: Language and the de-streamed Grade 9 English Course, highlighting appropriate recommendations from the Ontario Human Rights Commission’s Right to Read report included within the curriculumÌý
  • Foundations of the Kindergarten Program and strategies for creating rich play experiences, including opportunities to visit exploration classrooms.
  • Middle Years Literacy Learning Series (Pilot for 20 schools), which explores leveraging technology to create and facilitate meaningful literacy learning experiences with students in Grades 6-8; emphasis will be on how to embed Strand A: Literacy Connections and Applications from the Ontario Language Curriculum
  • Administrators’ series focused on leading school-wide literacy planning, support and monitoring.
  • Monthly resource sent to school administrators to support foundational language instruction as detailed in Ontario Human Rights Commission’s Right to Read report.

Direct student interventions:Ìý

  • Increasing access to daily regular literacy support for students and building in-school educator capacity across 70 priority schools through the Early Literacy Intervention ModelÌý
  • Each school has tiered resources led by teachers to support students who require additional support to learn to read (e.g., Wilson and Empower) which aligns with recommendations from the OHRC Right to Read Report
  • Collecting system-wide grade 1 reading data at two points yearlyÌý
  • Tracking and monitoring of student reading data to develop and implement timely instructional interventions. Reading Intervention Toolkits were distributed to all Grade 1 educators to support.

Support to parents/caregivers/guardians:

  • Through the learning series, ABCs of Literacy, in partnership with the Centre of Excellence for Black Student Achievement, which included an overview of the revised Ontario Language Curriculum for Grades 1-8
  • By providing a Kindergarten Literacy Calendar to all Kindergarten families, distributed four times a year, to provide literacy skill building ideas and activities families can engage together
  • Website developed for parents/caregivers outlining literacy supports for families that align with the ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ Literacy Framework and recommendations in the OHRC Right to Read ReportÌý
Achievement of Learning Outcomes in Core Academic Skills: Mathematics
To support all students in mathematics achievement, the ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ is providing:
Professional Learning Support Student Mathematics Success:
  • In four (4) focus areas: Building Foundational Math Skills in the Early Years; Building Thinking Classrooms; Spiralling Coding in Destreamed Grade Nine Classroom; and Unlocking Fractions Understanding
  • ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ Additional Qualifications Math Courses subsidies
  • On Equals Math, a multi-sensory program, to Primary Autism Intensive Support Programs (ASD ISPs) and Primary Mild Intellectual Disability Intensive Support Programs (MID (ISPs)
Additional learning opportunities and resources available to schools to support the local School Improvement Planning needs:ÌýÌý
  • School support from Math Learning Partners (MLP) who deliver the learning to a cluster of 132 priority schools and then support educators in the classroom in implementing and documenting students’ learningÌý
  • Leader learning sessions for principals and superintendents regarding their support and monitoring of the math program in schools
  • Provide schools with digital math tools that are accessible to all classes in the system (e.g., Knowledge Hook, Brainingcamp)
Support to parents/caregivers/guardians:
  • The ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ math team has been collaborating with Community Service Workers (CSWs) and individual schools to createÌýlearningÌý opportunities for families to support math learning

For more informationÌýplease visit °Õ¶Ù³§µþ’s .

Preparation of Students for Future Success: Graduation Rates

To support students’ preparation for the future, the ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ is providing:

Professional Learning Support for Student Graduation Success:

  • Sessions with secondary guidance counsellors to enhance their comprehension of the significance of providing students with access to and opportunities for secondary programs that lead to post-secondary options
  • Sessions with elementary teachers to provide support for academic pathways and reinforcing approaches that support inclusion and belonging in the classroom
  • Sessions with elementary guidance teachers to support transition from Grade 8 to 9 allowing students to understand all the different programs that the ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ offers
  • Full year professional learning for secondary school Guidance Counsellors and Student Success teachers with the goal of expanding information of, and access to, Dual Credit programming
  • Professional learning for elementary and secondary school guidance resource teachers to participate in experiential professional learning opportunities to develop an enhanced understanding of the skilled trades and apprenticeship pathwayÌý
  • Professional Learning session called ‘Redefining Failure’ that explores credit rescue strategies to help schools increase rescue opportunities

Direct student supports and learning opportunities:

  • Delivering peer tutoring in core subjects for students in Grade 9 and 10
  • Increased credit recovery programming available in schools and through continuing education to help students in Grades 9 and 10 reach 16 credits by 16 years old
  • Increased opportunities for students to attend Skilled Trades fairs including Level Up, Dreamers Conference, Jill of all Trades conference, Skills Ontario Young Women's Conference, and First Nations, Metis, and Inuit Student Conference
  • Staffing supports provided to students to support de-streaming and transition to high school (e.g., elementary guidance teachers provide transition support, additional teachers to support literacy, numeracy and science classes in Grade 9 and 10, and additional teachers allocated to reduce class sizes)
  • Supported expansion of Specialist High Skills Majors (SHSM) offerings both in sectors and in schools and supported increased student enrolment in existing SHSM programs
  • Streamlined access for teachers and students who are entering central cooperative education programs such as STEP (Specialized Trades Exploration Program) to Construction and Transportation, Sunnybrook, University Health Network, Banking on Business, Be Our Guest; continue to expand both in number and quality, the cooperative education community placements available for students
  • Establishing new Partnerships with Skilled Trades unions and training delivery sites to expand our offerings of Accelerated Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) student placements; introduced new innovative pre-OYAP Boot Camps for students designed to bridge the skills gap and meet employer needs
  • Graduation Coaches for Indigenous and Black Student Success support advocacy work, graduation, mentorship and support, employment and volunteer opportunities, access to programming, community connection, and emotional support and mental well-being
  • Implemented additional Elementary Guidance CounsellorsÌý
Preparation of Students for Future Success: Improve Students’ Participation in Class Time and Learning

To support students’ participation in class time and learning, the ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ is: Ìý

  • Launching targeted attendance improvement programs to enhance students’ engagement and belonging (tailored to the needs of Grades 1-8 students) through school social workers/attendance counsellor focusing on early intervention strategies and personalized support
  • Supporting schools through weekly check-ins with administrators/school staff, In-School Support Team (IST), and Student Support Teams (SST) to explore patterns of at-risk attendance and supporting engagement strategies (i.e., fostering positive and welcoming classroom and school spaces) that can be integrated into the School Improvement Planning work
  • Providing ongoing professional development opportunities by Attendance Counsellors for educators and school staff to strengthen their capacity in implementing evidence-based attendance strategies, fostering a positive and supportive school environment conducive to improved attendance rates for all studentsÌý

Support to parents/caregivers/guardians:

  • Collaborating with identity-affirming community organizations to address underlying factors contributing to absenteeism, such as transportation barriers, socio-economic challenges and related to social inequities (i.e., social determinants of health) through targeted interventions (i.e., early engagement with students/families, creating a strong circle of care) and connecting students/families to identity affirming support servicesÌý
  • Social Workers/Attendance Counsellors working in collaboration with school staff to enhance communication and outreach efforts with families and caregivers to reinforce the importance of regular school attendance and provide identity-affirming resources for addressing barriers that may affect students' ability to attend school consistently (i.e., attendance check lists; affirming practices that support engagement)

Direct student supports and learning opportunities:

  • Reducing the number of suspensions and expulsions, where appropriate, through the application or more equitable student discipline practices
  • Improving student engagement, well-being and achievement through the delivery of programming in partnership with community agencies with a focus on tutoring, mentorship and recreation
  • Working with educators to develop school-based restorative practices
  • Creating and delivering programming for students engaged in or at-risk of becoming involved in criminal justice proceedings, including students reintegrating into communities after being incarcerated

For more information, please see Social Work and Attendance Services, Professional Support Services, Caring and Safe Schools.

Student Engagement and Well-Being

To support students’ wellbeing, the ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ is:  

  • Implementing comprehensive mental health education curricula for Grade 6, 9, and 10 students, ensuring they are equipped with the knowledge and skills to recognize mental health issues and seek appropriate support
  • Expanding access to mental health resources and services within schools with more social workers and child and youth counsellors to support tier 1, 2 and 3 mental health supports and to provide timely support and intervention for students in need, including bridging supports with community agencies
  • Implementing regular and daily mental health awareness initiatives and events throughout the school year, engaging students in discussions about mental health and highlighting available identity-affirming support services, fostering a culture of openness and destigmatization
  • Establishing an improvement goal related to student belonging and wellbeing, including actions and monitoring within each school’s improvement plan

Additional learning opportunities and resources include: 

  • Establishing peer support programs and student-led initiatives aimed at promoting mental health awareness and reducing stigma, creating a supportive school culture where students feel comfortable seeking help
  • Supporting student mental health through the Mental Health Ambassador program in each school
  • Providing identity-affirming mental health support to Black and Indigenous students through Professional Support Services (PSS) staff working at the Centre of Excellence for Black Student Achievement and Urban Indigenous Education Centre
  • Supporting student identities, relationships, and the learning environment through centering student voice in classrooms

Supporting students through community partnerships includes: 

  • Collaborating with identity-affirming community partners, professional support services staff and mental health organizations to provide additional resources and workshops tailored to the mental health and wellbeing needs of Grade 6, 9, and 10 students, offering diverse avenues for prevention, interventions and support

For more information, please visit ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ Mental Health.