Urban Indigenous Community Advisory Committee
Trustee Sara Ehrhardt
Trustee Deborah Williams, Co-Chair
- To provide opportunities for parental and community input on ÎÛÎÛÂþ» policy and program issues;
- To guide the ÎÛÎÛÂþ» with fulfilling the Calls to Action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (2015) as they relate to student achievement and well-being as well as community expectations;
- To make recommendations to the ÎÛÎÛÂþ» in order to ensure access, equity and cultural safety considerations regarding Indigenous communities.
2SLGBTQ+ Community Advisory Committee
Trustee Michelle Aarts, Co-Chair
Trustee Debbie King
To act as a relevant voice to guide the Board’s decision-making on issues related to the safety and well-being of 2SLGBTQ+ students, families, and staff members, in order to help ensure the Board is providing 2SLGBTQ+ supportive and positive learning environments.
Alternative Schools Community Advisory Committee
Trustee Malika Ghous
Trustee James Li, Co-Chair
- To facilitate effective and meaningful engagement with new, existing, and potential elementary and secondary alternative schools’ parents/ guardians, students and staff.
- To support the improvement of the well-being of elementary and secondary alternative schools’ parents/guardians, students and staff while enhancing the accountability of the education system.
- To support and advocate on behalf of each ÎÛÎÛÂþ» alternative school’s individual pedagogy and unique community.
- To consult, collaborate and make recommendations on any matter specifically referred to it by the Board or a standing committee.
- To advise the Board on matters of its own choosing, within its mandate as established by the Board when it was constituted.
- To exercise an advocacy role. It may indicate to the Board a preferred position on an educational issue under consideration by the Board with the understanding there is no obligation on the part of the Board or its staff to act on ASCAC recommendations.
Black Student Achievement Community Advisory Committee
Trustee Liban Hassan, Co-Chair
Trustee Debbie King
The Black Student Achievement Advisory Committee (BSAAC) will examine and make recommendations to the Board through a standing committee of the Board, on strategies to address persistent achievement, opportunity and participation gaps experienced by Black students, and ensure learning environments are safe, nurturing and welcoming.
Community Use of Schools Advisory Committee
Trustee Sara Ehrhardt, Co-chair
Trustee Zakir Patel
- To facilitate ongoing feedback from community organizations on both the continued implementation of Policy P011, Community Use of Board Facilities;
- To suggest improvements to the policy
- To provide an opportunity to explore the concept of Integrated Service Delivery (ISD) with community agencies and groups.
Early Years Community Advisory Committee
Trustee Dennis Hastings
Trustee Deborah Williams, Co-chair
- An Early Years Advisory Committee (EYAC) will be established and maintained to provide advice to the Board on matters concerning the implementation of the Ontario Early Years Policy Framework, and to identify issues of broad community interest concerning Early Years programs, for the consideration of the Board and staff; (adopted by Board September, 2005);
- To suggest improvements to the ÎÛÎÛÂþ» Early Years Policy;
- Continue to advise on Integrated Service Delivery (ISD) with an Early Years framework. iv. To consider the work of other initiatives within the Board as they impact on Early Years, (e.g., Full-Day Kindergarten, Special Education, Model Schools for Inner Cities, Parenting and Family Literacy Centres).
Environmental Sustainability Community Advisory Committee
Trustee Matias de Dovitiis
Trustee Manna Wong, Co-Chair
- To identify and discuss issues of environmental sustainability and climate change as they relate to the ÎÛÎÛÂþ», by facilitating ongoing feedback from the community through the engagement of students, parents and parent groups, community advocacy groups, nonprofit organizations, members of the general public, ÎÛÎÛÂþ» staff etc.
- To make recommendations to the ÎÛÎÛÂþ» regarding environmental concerns.
Equity Policy Community Advisory Committee
Trustee Michelle Aarts, Co-Chair
Trustee Neethan Shan,
EPCAC will “provide advice to the Board on matters concerning the implementation of the Equity Policy, and to identify issues of broad community interest regarding equity in education, for the consideration of the Board and staff” (PR.558).
French Student Achievement Community Advisory Committee
Trustee Dan MacLean
Trustee Deborah Williams, Co-chair
To consult with and advise the Board on French program matters. As a Board community advisory committee, the French Student Achievement Community Advisory Committee will contribute to the work of Trustees and staff. This partnership of Trustees, staff, parents/caregivers/guardians and community will foster equity, excellence and growth in French programs at the Board.
Inner City Advisory Committee
Trustee Alexis Dawson, Co-Chair
Trustee Dennis Hastings
The Inner City Advisory Committee’s mission is to close the opportunity gap and raise achievement for all students facing barriers within the ÎÛÎÛÂþ».
ICAC advocates for appropriate community investments using an equity focus and draws on the rich expertise and support of academic, institutional and community partnerships.
The ICAC was created as an integral part of the Model Schools for Inner Cities Taskforce Report (2005).