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Talking at Home

Oral Language lays the foundation upon which reading skills will be built. Students bring with them experiences and language of their homes to the Early Years classrooms. Oral language develops through social interactions, play, opportunities to hear rich language across environments and through well planned, intentional instruction.

Students need opportunities to hear language and many opportunities to speak in the language or dialect of their home in order to build their communication skills. 

Please see the tips below, which include ways that families/caregivers can continue to support children's oral language development at home. 

Talking with your child helps build:
  • Listening and understanding skills
  • Strong personal and cultural identity
  • An understanding of past and present events 
  • An understanding of different perspectives
  • An ability to come up with different solutions to problems 
  • Language skills needed for reading and writing
  • Social emotional bonds
Tips for creating rich opportunities for talk at home:
  • Read books and watch shows that are of interest to you and your family
  • Talk about your own experiences growing up 
  • Share important cultural stories
  • Talk about the steps you are taking when you are doing tasks together (e.g., When baking, share the steps you are taking and name the ingredients you are using)
  • When talking with your child, ask thinking questions:  
    • Why do you think they felt that way?  
    • What do you think will happen next? How did you know that?
    • Do you agree with _____? Why?
    • What was your favourite part of __?
Additional resources to support oral language development at home: