Q: How do I apply up for EDP?
A: You can apply for the program on the EDP website. Click on the “Apply to EDP” button.
Q: How do I know if I have applied correctly?
A: Once you have completed your admission request, you will receive an automated email stating that you have completed it successfully. Receiving this email does NOT mean you are registered to begin EDP. If/when we are able to offer you a space, we will email you an admission offer and activation information for the EDP parent portal.
Q: How will I know when my child has been offered a space in EDP?
A: When we are able to offer you admission to our program, we will send you an email with an admission offer and account activation instructions. You will have a few days to complete the online registration process as per the included instructions. If the registration is not completed by the specified deadline, your offer will be cancelled, and you will be required to complete another admission request.
Q: What is an activation key, and where do I get one?
A: An activation key will be sent along with an admission offer. You will only receive one when we are able to offer you a space in our program.
Q: Who can I contact for technical support with the parent portal?
A: If you are experiencing technical difficulties with the parent portal, please email support@digibot.ca for assistance. You can also use the live chat option.
Q: My child is starting kindergarten in the fall, and I will need EDP. When should I apply?
A: The information for the upcoming school year registration dates will be posted on our website and provided to the schools to share with families.
Q: Does EDP operate during the months of July and August?
A: EDP operates for 7 weeks during the summer months of July and August. EDP is closed the last two weeks of August and reopens the first day back in the new school year.
Q: Does EDP operate on PA Days?
A: Yes, EDP operate on all PA days with full fees.
Q: Does EDP operate during Spring/March break?
A: Yes, EDP operate on Spring break with full fees.
Q: Does EDP operate during Winter break?
A: Yes, EDP operate on Winter break with full fees.
Q: Does EDP operate on PA Days?
A:Yes, EDP operates on all PA Days at select locations, from 8:30am-4:30pm and non instructional day fee rate will apply.
Q: Does EDP operate during March break?
A:Yes, EDP operates on March break at select locations, from 8:30am-4:30pm and non instructional day fee rate will apply.
Q: Does EDP operate during Winter break?
A:Yes, EDP operates during one week of the Winter break at select locations, from 8:30am-4:30pm and non instructional day fee rate will apply.