An Introduction to Brightspace Portfolio for K-12 Educators
Assessment using GSuites - Elementary
Assistive Technology: Intro to Read and Write
Awards, Badges & Certificates: Recognizing Student Engagement in Brightspace (K-12)
Brightspace as a Learning Platform
Brightspace Assignment Tool & Rubric Builder for K-12 Educators
Brightspace for Parents - Getting Started
Brightspace Quiz Tool
Brightspace: Creating Announcements & Generating Content Session Recording
Collaboration with G Suite - Featuring Google Docs
Creating Choice Boards & Curating Resources Using the Virtual Library and More
Creating Dynamic Learning Experiences using Google Slides: Choice Board
Create Dynamic Learning Experiences in Google Slides for Primary Learners
Create Dynamic Learning Experiences in Google Slides for Grade 4-8 Learners
Create Dynamic Learning Experiences Using GSuites for Early Years
Digging deeper in Brightspace Portfolio K-5: Sharing learning and Feedback Together
Documenting & Sharing Learning with an Ipad (Mobile Device)
Getting Started with Brightspace as Learning Platform K-12
Getting Started with Gmail & Calendar
Getting Started with Google Forms - Surveys, Quizzes, Minds On & Assessments
Google Forms in the Elementary Classroom
Introduction to Google Classroom
Introduction to Google Classroom (Secondary)
Introduction to Read & Write Using Research Tools
Making your classroom more accessible: Introduction to PDF Reader: Using Accessible PDFs
View the Recording!
Music Assessment in Brightspace
My Google Classroom is set up...Now What? Using Google Classroom to Provide Content and share activities with Primary Students
Navigating the World of Digital Content for Remote Learning: Rights and Responsibilities
Organizing Your Google Drive
Providing Feedback - Using the Annotation Tool in Brightspace (K-12)
Searching the library catalogue to find video content for remote learning: exploring Learn360, NFB , Curio and more
Secondary Assessment using G Suite
Setting Up Brightspace- as an Early Years Learning Platform
Sharing learning activities and demonstrating concepts through Flipgrid
Supporting Secondary Remote Learning Using Google Docs, Forms and Slides
ÎÛÎÛÂþ» Virtual Library: Finding Licensed and Curated Resources for Learning
Using Brightspace Portfolio to Support Remote Learning for K-5 Educators
Using Google Classroom to Share Resources, Activities and Assignments in the Secondary Panel
Using Google Classroom to Share Resources, Activities and Assignments with Grade 4 - 8 Learners
Using Google Slides In Brightspace for Collaborative Tasks
Using The Chrome App: Mindomo to support organization and assessment in a digital environment