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Presentations & Recordings


Presentations Recordings Slide Decks
An Introduction to Brightspace Portfolio for K-12 Educators
Assessment using GSuites - Elementary
Assistive Technology: Intro to Read and Write
Awards, Badges & Certificates: Recognizing Student Engagement in Brightspace (K-12) N/A
Brightspace as a Learning Platform N/A
Brightspace Assignment Tool & Rubric Builder for K-12 Educators N/A
Brightspace for Parents - Getting Started N/A
Brightspace Quiz Tool N/A
Brightspace: Creating Announcements & Generating Content Session Recording N/A
Collaboration with G Suite - Featuring Google Docs
Creating Choice Boards & Curating Resources Using the Virtual Library and More
Creating Dynamic Learning Experiences using Google Slides: Choice Board
Create Dynamic Learning Experiences in Google Slides for Primary Learners
Create Dynamic Learning Experiences in Google Slides for Grade 4-8 Learners
Create Dynamic Learning Experiences Using GSuites for Early Years
Digging deeper in Brightspace Portfolio K-5: Sharing learning and Feedback Together
Documenting & Sharing Learning with an Ipad (Mobile Device)
Getting Started with Brightspace as Learning Platform K-12 N/A
Getting Started with Gmail & Calendar
Getting Started with Google Forms - Surveys, Quizzes, Minds On & Assessments
Google Forms in the Elementary Classroom
Introduction to Google Classroom
Introduction to Google Classroom (Secondary)
Introduction to Read & Write Using Research Tools
Making your classroom more accessible: Introduction to PDF Reader: Using Accessible PDFs View the Recording!
Music Assessment in Brightspace N/A
My Google Classroom is set up...Now What? Using Google Classroom to Provide Content and share activities with Primary Students
Navigating the World of Digital Content for Remote Learning: Rights and Responsibilities
Organizing Your Google Drive
Providing Feedback - Using the Annotation Tool in Brightspace (K-12) N/A
Searching the library catalogue to find video content for remote learning: exploring Learn360, NFB , Curio and more
Secondary Assessment using G Suite N/A
Setting Up Brightspace- as an Early Years Learning Platform N/A
Sharing learning activities and demonstrating concepts through Flipgrid
Supporting Secondary Remote Learning Using Google Docs, Forms and Slides
ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ Virtual Library: Finding Licensed and Curated Resources for Learning
Using Brightspace Portfolio to Support Remote Learning for K-5 Educators
Using Google Classroom to Share Resources, Activities and Assignments in the Secondary Panel
Using Google Classroom to Share Resources, Activities and Assignments with Grade 4 - 8 Learners
Using Google Slides In Brightspace for Collaborative Tasks N/A
Using The Chrome App: Mindomo to support organization and assessment in a digital environment