Elementary Report Card Delivery
Dear Parents/Guardians of Elementary School Students,
We would like to share some important information about the June Kindergarten Communication of Learning, Provincial Elementary Report Cards Grades 1-8, Alternative Report Cards and ELL Progress Update Reports.
All reports will be distributed via email to the parent/guardian email address on file with the school beginning on June 24. If the parent/guardian email address has changed, we encourage you to contact your child’s school to provide an updated email address. Students in Grades 4 to 8 will also receive a copy of their report card in their ÎÛÎÛÂþ» student email account.
Where the parent/guardian email address on file may not be up to date, a paper copy will be mailed to the home address (Grades K-3 students only) within 2 to 3 weeks.
Please contact the school Principal with any questions you may have. Thank you.
Secondary Report Card Delivery
Dear Secondary Parents/Guardians and Students,
We would like to share some important information with regard to final Quadmester 4 Final Report Cards and Semester 2 Alternative Report Cards.
Report Cards will be distributed to students and parents/guardians via email beginning on June 30. If the parent/guardian email address has changed, we encourage you to contact your child’s school to provide an updated email address. Students will receive their final marks from their Quadmester 4 teachers prior to June 29.
Please be reminded that June 29 is a Professional Activity Day and there will be no classes for secondary students.
Please contact the school Principal with any questions. Thank you.