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April Break Message

Friday, April 9, 2021
Categories: Happenings @ ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­

Dear Parents, Guardians and Caregivers,


Next week, all students, both virtual and in-person learners, will be on April Break. I hope you have an opportunity to relax, rest and take a break from what has been a complicated and challenging school year.


I want to thank you for continuing to follow the health and safety measures while schools were open. Our collective efforts made a difference in the health and safety of our school communities. As you know, the province has implemented a province-wide shutdown for four weeks in response to the worsening trends of COVID-19 across Ontario and in Toronto. We must all continue to follow the public health measures to help prevent and limit the spread of COVID-19, including:

  • Socializing only with your own household
  • Staying home if you feel ill and getting tested
  • Participating in the targeted testing offered by the ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ and its health partners
  • Screening, every day, for COVID-19 symptoms before attending child care
  • Practicing good hand hygiene, masking and physical distancing

For the week of April 12-18, there are additional asymptomatic testing options available to students, including pharmacies that currently offer testing and assessment centres across the province. Read thefull list of available options here. Some ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ schools may also be offering school-based clinics in partnership with the Ministry of Education. Parents are encouraged to take advantage of this testing capacity to have their children tested to support a safe return to school.


As of now, schools are closed to in-person learning until Sunday, April 18. We expect to hear at the end of next week what the plans are for a return to in-person learning and when it may be and will email you again as soon as we know more. We understand the impact on the mental health and well-being of all students and staff.


Should you be interested, the Ministry of Education has suggested the following learning resources/supports to allow students to supplement their learning and interests during the break:

  • Students in Grades 1-8 can continue to engage in their own learning through supplemental, curriculum-linked activities available at and TFO.
  • Secondary students can continue to accessand (English) and(French) are also available to provide one-on-one online tutoring services for elementary and secondary students.
  • covers online math tutoring in English for Grades 6 to 10 and supports all subjects for French-language students in Grades 1 to 12.

By following public health advice, we can all enjoy a safe spring break and continue to support in-person learning in our schools.


Have a safe, fun and restful break.




Karen Falconer
Interim Director of Education

Andrew Gold
Interim Associate Director

Curtis Ennis
Interim Associate Director

Craig Snider
Interim Associate Director

