As we enter the winter break, families are reminded to continue following health and safety measures to ensure students and staff can safely return to school in January 2021.
During the holidays, it is important for everyone to adhere to in your communities when connecting with one another. By everyone can enjoy a safe and fun holiday season. You can check the government’s for more direct and up-to-date guidance on how individuals and families can plan for a safe holiday season, including suggestions for safer holiday activities for children and families.
As a reminder, anyone feeling ill should not attend school. All children, students, staff, and visitors must be screened for symptoms of illness every day before attending school or child care. To help meet this requirement, please follow the steps for .
Self-screening will still be a requirement when we return to school and we will continue to reinforce masking and hand hygiene as well as cohorting and physical distancing with students and staff.
For up-to-date information, please visit and follow @tdsb on Twitter. For more resources and information on public health measures, visit and .
During the winter break, if you have any questions about COVID-19, please contact Toronto Public Health:
Toronto Public Health Hotline
8:30 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Translation is available in multiple languages
Telephone: 416-338-7600
TTY: 416-392-0658