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Halloween: COVID Health and Safety Information

Friday, October 23, 2020
Categories: Happenings @ ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­, News Releases

This year, as a result of COVID-19 in our city, schools will be celebrating Halloween a little differently. Toronto Public Health has provided direction on celebrating Halloween in schools. While there will not be Halloween dances or parades so we can continue to practice physical distancing, there are still many ways to have fun and celebrate safely in the school setting. This may include Halloween art activities, celebrating virtually with other classrooms, reading Halloween stories or watching a movie.

Staff or students should not bring candy to school for sharing with others.

Students can still dress up in a costume, however, because they are required to wear masks/face coverings in school, they should:

  • not wear a costume mask on top of their face covering
  • not remove their face covering and wear only a costume mask. A costume mask does not replace a face covering.
  • not wear make-up, from below the eyes to ensure their face coverings are not dirtied.

Read more from Toronto Public Health about celebrating Halloween safely this year:

  • TPH Celebrating A Safer Halloween During COVID-19