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Impact of Class Size Average Increase: Secondary Course Selection

Friday, May 17, 2019
Categories: News Releases

As a result of provincial changes to secondary class size averages from 22 to 28 over the next four years, secondary schools in Toronto have already had to make difficult decisions about what courses or supports they can no longer offer beginning this September. The attached chart shows the results of the increase to class size averages in Year 1 from 21.7 to 23.6. This is an increase in average class size of 1.9 in the first year of this four year process. This new class size average will allow us to continue to be compliant with our current Collective Agreement class size provisions as we move towards a class size average of 28 as per direction from the Ministry of Education.

The chart  identifies the specific courses or programs that will be impacted in the 2019-2020 school year, including course cancellations, larger class sizes and combined grade and level courses. The staffing reduction has not only impacted course selection, but will also result in fewer supports for students who need them.
Below are the total numbers of sections and additional supports that have been impacted:

  • Grade 9/10 electives - 133
  • Grade 11/12 electives - 414
  • Grade 9 compulsories - 123 (English, Math, Science, Geography, French, Phys. Ed)*
  • Grade 10 compulsories - 64 (English, Math, Science, History, Civics, Career Studies)*

* Each ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ secondary school will be offering all compulsory courses; however, when a section of a compulsory course has been cancelled, all remaining sections of that compulsory course will be larger

  • Guidance support reduced - 35                         
  • Library sections cancelled, resulting in closure of library during instructional day or at lunch – 58
  • Reduction of periods Teacher-Librarians can work directly with students - 9
  • Literacy course cancelled. Students who fail the OSSLT will be required to take this course at night school. This course often serves English Language Learners - 15
  • Resource support reduced - 19
  • Student Success support reduced (attendance counselling, literacy/numeracy support, gap closing, monitoring of underserved students) – 49

Click here to view details of Impact of Class Size Average Increase: Secondary Course Selection in PDF
