Dear ÎÛÎÛÂþ» Families,
As you know, the Government of Ontario this week that all school boards in Ontario, including the ÎÛÎÛÂþ», will not return to in-person learning for this school year.
As part of this week’s announcement, the government also said that school boards will be allowed to hold a “short, outdoor celebration” for graduating students in elementary and secondary schools. We know how important graduation ceremonies are for students, staff and families — especially after such a challenging year where “in-person” memories have been few and far between. At the same time, months of planning have already gone into creating virtual graduations for students, costs have already been incurred, and there is very limited time to plan in-person events of this size. We also want to ensure that there is equitable access for students in all communities to such an important event so that we avoid some students getting an in-person ceremony, while others do not.
With these factors in mind, as well as the consistent guidance from Toronto Public Health about the importance of “virtual” events, all ÎÛÎÛÂþ» schools will continue with their previously planned virtual graduation ceremonies.
Recognizing that many students in all grades will want an opportunity to see friends and staff prior to the end of the school year, we are currently exploring what may be possible for limited end-of-year, in-person activities such as students picking up belongings, dropping off devices/materials, saying goodbyes, etc. These visits will depend on guidance from Toronto Public Health and the Ministry of Education.
As always, when we receive more information and can provide more specific details, we will share that with families.
Thank you for you understanding as we work through these important events and final weeks of the 2020-2021 school year.