Dear Staff,
This email is for ÎÛÎÛÂþ» educational workers living or working in schools in Toronto designated COVID-19 hot spot neighborhoods, who are eligible for COVID-19 vaccination. The Ministry of Education has notified us recently that to book an appointment for a vaccine, education workers working in schools or living in hot spot neighborhoods now require a letter from the ÎÛÎÛÂþ». We are letting you know that some of you will have already received an email with an attached confirmation letter and that more email/letters are being sent today. All eligible staff living and working in schools in Toronto hot spot neighborhoods should have received a letter by end day, today.
As a reminder, Toronto COVID-19 hot spot neighborhoods are designated by Toronto postal codes and you can find the postal codes
If you live or work in schools in a Toronto COVID-19 hot spot neighborhood and did not receive an email/letter this week, please contact your Principal or supervisor on Monday April 19.
If you have not booked an appointment already, when you receive your email/letter, you can book your vaccination appointment through the provincial booking system by calling the Provincial Vaccine Information Line at 1-888-999-6488 (TTY 1-866-797-0007). You are not able to book this appointment online. We advise that when you go to your vaccination appointment, please take your authorization letter with you that confirms your eligibility as well as a staff picture ID or paystub and government picture ID to confirm your identity.
Thank you for your patience as we work with the Government of Ontario and Toronto Public Health to provide as much information as possible about vaccinations.