We hope that you have had a successful quadmester in Virtual Secondary School. As we gear up for Quadmester 2, please find below important information for students and parents:
1. Quadmester 2 Courses
Virtual Secondary School Quadmester 2 classes start Monday, November 23, 2020. Course material will not be available until the first day of the session. Teachers will not be available until the first day of classes on Monday, November 23, 2020.
If you are having technical issues with the Brightspace course after it begins on November 23, please contact D2L Tech Support 24/7 at 1-800-222-0209 or helpdesk@D2L.com.
2. Quadmester 1 Final Report Cards
Final report cards will be emailed to students and parents. At this time, we are aiming to have reports emailed to parents the week of November 30-December 4, 2020. Details to follow.
3. Access to Quadmester 1 Courses
Please note that access to Quadmester 1 courses will close on Friday, November 27. Students who wish to save any assignments or course material from this past quadmester will have until November 27 to access their courses. After this date, the courses will no longer appear in the “My Courses” menu.
4. PA Day - November 20, 2020
Please note that there are no classes on Friday, November 20 as it is a PA Day for all secondary schools.
5. Accessing Your Timetable
Students who wish to access their full-year timetable can do so in the following ways:
- Download the ÎÛÎÛÂþ» Connects App at the or the .
- Students can log into eReg: and proceed to their Student Profile and select “Credit Counselling Summary”
We are working with IT services to have your remaining quadmester timetables emailed to students and parents. Details to follow.
6. Post-Secondary Guide
Graduating students have already received the following . Students are encouraged to contact their home school guidance counsellor for any post-secondary questions, including application and scholarship information.
7. Setting You Up for Success
We are here to partner with you and to support your success. Please review the before the start of your Quadmester 2 courses, before contacting your teacher or the Virtual Secondary School office.
Best wishes for success in your Quadmester 2 courses!
Virtual Secondary Administrator Team
ÎÛÎÛÂþ» Virtual Secondary School