All students should feel safe, welcomed and respected at school. As part of our commitment to equity, human rights and inclusion, students are now able to select their chosen gender on ÎÛÎÛÂþ» student registration forms.
In addition to the options of Female (F) and Male (M), Prefer Not to Disclose (N) and Prefer to Specify (S) have been added to registration forms and will be reflected in student’s information files. If Prefer to Specify is chosen, students are invited to write their chosen gender identity in the free form field. In one of our online registration applications however, a dropdown list is a temporary solution and, in the coming months, will be replaced by the free form field as well. We recognize the limitations of the drop down and, if your chosen identity is not in the list, please choose “Identity Not in the List,” and it can be revised directly with your school.
- students will be able to update their gender identity, if they choose, through the paper-based, annual student verification process. A form is sent home typically at the end of September and the gender can be updated by crossing out the existing gender and adding a new gender of F, M, N or S. If you select S to specify, please include your gender identity.
Collecting gender information is a mandatory part of a student registration. The gender field ( F, M, N and S) will be visible to ÎÛÎÛÂþ» staff. Only Principals, Vice Principals, school office staff and guidance counsellors may access the gender identity for students who opted for Prefer to Specify.
This information may be used to help the ÎÛÎÛÂþ» have a better understanding of the demographics in our system and may be considered in the development and improvement of programs and resources.
Please contact your principal directly to discuss any accommodation required, appropriate pronoun usage, and any other gender-related needs.
Questions and Answers for Students
What supports are available to transgender or non-gender conforming students?
The ÎÛÎÛÂþ» has developed accommodation guidelines for transgender and gender non-conforming students and staff. These guidelines set out the ÎÛÎÛÂþ»’s best practices related to accommodation based on gender identity and gender expression. They have been designed to raise awareness and help protect against discrimination and harassment.
I don’t see my gender identity listed on the dropdown menu. What should I do?
There is a short-term limitation to one of our online registration forms. It is expected to be updated in October to be a free form text box. In the meantime, if you do not see your identity in the list, please select “Identity Not on the List” and then you may either follow up directly with your school to input your accurate gender identity, or wait until the paper-based annual verification form is shared and you may include your gender identity directly there for your school to update.
How do I select more than one gender from the dropdown menu?
There is a short-term limitation to one of our online registration forms. It is expected to be updated in October to be a free form text box. In the meantime, please select “Identity Not on the List” and then you may either follow up directly with your school to input your gender identity, or wait until the paper-based annual verification form is shared and you may include your gender identities directly there for your school to update.