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Director Letter to Grade 8 Students

Thursday, May 21, 2020
Categories: Happenings @ ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­

Dear Grade 8 students,

I hope you have been doing well during this time at home. I have been thinking about all of our students but especially those who are graduating. Usually, this time of year is filled with school events, trips and graduation that I’m sure you were looking forward to. I’m sure it was difficult to hear this week’s news that we aren’t going back to our physical school buildings for the rest of the school year and I know it must be hard to miss out on saying goodbye in person to your friends, teachers and school staff.

We are fortunate though that there are so many other ways to stay connected. I hope that you continue to “see” those you care about online – these connections are so important right now. Our mental health and well-being resources offer lots of great ideas and tips for managing your feelings and well-being.

Looking forward, the move to high school is an exciting one, but may also be scary. Know that your elementary teachers will continue to support you through this transition and your new school and teachers are excited to welcome you into a new year and a fresh start.

Brighter days are ahead. High school is an exciting time full of new opportunities. I wish you the best as you take the next step in your education.

Take care,

John Malloy Signature

John Malloy
Director of Education
