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Bus Driver Shortage Impacting 20 Routes

Friday, September 6, 2019
Categories: News Releases

Update as of Friday, September 20, 2019

There continues to be a driver shortage impacting 20 routes in Stock Transportation’s East, West and North Divisions. The following ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ schools are impacted by the shortage. Please note that the schools listed below are impacted because they do not currently have a permanent driver. In most cases, these routes are covered by assigning spare drivers, doubling up on routes, and the use of taxis. Parents/guardians impacted by these delays will be contacted directly by Stock and/or TSTG this weekend.

Mini Bus:
Number of Students School Name
1 Buchanan PS
1 Cresthaven PS
1 Crescent Town ES
9 Don Mills CI
2 Don Mills MS
1 Inglewood Heights JPS
2 Parkside ES
1 Ranchdale PS
3 Roywood PS
4 Secord ES
5 Stephen Leacock CI
8 Sir William Osler HS
2  Three Valleys PS
4 Terraview-Willowfield PS
6 Victoria Park CI
5 WJ McCordic School
Total: 55  


Big Bus:
Number of Students School Name
11 CH Best JMS
5 Chalkfarm PS
23 Dublin Heights EMS
5 Givins/Shaw JPS
57 RJ Lang E&MS
9 Tumpane PS
37 Wilmington ES
184 Yorkview PS
Total: 331  



Update as of Friday, September 13, 2019

There continues to be a driver shortage impacting 19 routes in Stock Transportation’s East, West and North Divisions. The following ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ schools are impacted:

Mini Bus:

  • Bala Avenue CS
  • Brookview MS
  • Buchanan PS
  • Charles E Webster PS
  • Crescent Town ED
  • Don Mills CI
  • Don Mills MS
  • Etobicoke CI
  • Gulfstream PS
  • Keelesdale JPS
  • Parkside ES
  • Ranchdale PS
  • Secord ES
  • Silverthorn
  • Three Valleys PS
  • Victoria Park CI
  • WJ McCordic School
  • Westview Centennial SS
  • York Humber HS

Big Bus:

  • CH Best JMS
  • Dublin Heights EMS
  • Forest Hill
  • Givins/Shaw JPS
  • Rawlinson CS
  • RJ Lang E&MS
  • Wilmington ES
  • Yorkview PS

Parents impacted by these delays will be contacted directly by Stock and/or the Toronto Student Transportation Group (TSTG) this weekend. 

In addition to the TSTG phone line (416-394-4BUS), a temporary transportation line has been set up to deal with the increased number of calls. Parents/guardians can call 647-790-3829 for specific information about their child/children’s routes. Parents are also encouraged to check the for the latest information.


Update as of Friday, September 6, 2019

Throughout the summer, the Toronto Student Transportation Group (TSTG) worked closely with school bus carriers to plan routes for ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ and TCDSB students, and to ensure that sufficient drivers were trained and ready for the start of the school year. Despite their best efforts, there continues to be a driver shortage now impacting 24 routes in Stock Transportation’s East, West and North Divisions. These routes serve the following ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ schools:

Big Bus Routes
Number of Students School Name
21 Dublin Heights
5 Givins/Shaw
121 Yorkview
21 Summit Heights


Mini Bus Routes
Number of Students School Name
1 Blacksmith
1 Bloorlea
4 Broadacres
3 Brookview
1 Charles G Fraser
2 Cordella
1 Crestview
3 DA Morrison
9 Danforth Tech
19 Drewry
3 Earl Grey
31 Wandering Spirit
6 Frank Oke
2 Gledhill
3 Gosford
1 Gulfstream
2 Harwood
2 JD Griffin
1 John Fisher
3 Lampton Kingsway
1 Lord Dufferin
5 Market Lane
4 Nelson Mandela Park
1 North Toronto CI
4 Northlea
1 Northern
1 Newtonbrook
1 Park Lane
7 Parkside
3 Pleasant
5 Princess Margaret
6 RJ Lang
1 Roseland
1 St George’s
1 Shoreham
1 Sprucecourt
8 Sir William Osler
3 Wilkinson
4 William Burgess
2 Wellesworth
3 West Glen
8 Westview
10 Westwood
6 York Humber


TSTG continues to work with Stock Transportation to ensure that the shortage is resolved as quickly as possible. All carriers (including Stock) are training new drivers and have indicated that they may be able to take on some routes in a few weeks. At this point, we cannot provide a date when all routes will be covered, although we anticipate that there will continue to be open routes for at least another 1-2 weeks. As drivers are trained and become available, they will be placed to cover/support routes impacted by the shortage.

We have been advised by Stock that all routes are currently being serviced and buses are not being cancelled; however, the shortage is causing significant delays on impacted routes. Students are supervised by school staff if there are late pickups at the end of the day. We continue to encourage parents/guardians to arrange alternate transportation to and from school, if possible. Parents/guardians of impacted students will be contacted directly by Stock and/or the TSTG this weekend.


In addition to the TSTG phone line (416-394-4BUS), a temporary transportation line has been set up to deal with the increased number of calls. Parents/guardians can call 647-790-3829 for specific information about their child/children’s routes. Parents are also encouraged to check the for the latest information.

Update as of Friday, August 30, 2019

The Toronto Student Transportation Group has received an update from Stock Transportation that there continues to be a driver shortage impacting approximately 15 routes in the West Division. These 15 routes serve the following 9 ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ schools:

  • Charles H Best
  • Dublin Heights
  • Forest Hill
  • Glen Park
  • Gracedale
  • RJ Lang
  • Summit Heights
  • Wilmington
  • Yorkview

TheToronto Student Transportation Group will continue to work with Stock Transportation over the weekend to try to minimize the potential disruption as much as possible. However, we anticipate significant delays (and possible cancellations) on these routes until the shortage is resolved. As a result, we encourage impacted families to arrange alternate transportation to and from school, if possible. Impacted families will be contacted directly by the Stock Transportation this weekend.

If you have any questions or would like to find out if your child's route is impacted, please contact the Toronto Student Transportation Group at 416-394-4BUS(416-394-4287) or 647-790-3829 (Temporary Transportation Number) or email transportation@torontoschoolbus.org

Original Update - Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Toronto Student Transportation Group has been working closely with school bus carriers throughout the summer months to plan school bus routes for TCDSB and ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ students, and to ensure that sufficient drivers are trained and ready for the start of the school year beginning September 3, 2019.

Despite their best efforts, one school bus carrier, Stock Transportation, just informed us that it is anticipating a shortage of approximately 34 drivers over its east, north and west divisions. This shortage impacts approximately 34 school bus routes out of the 1857 between the two school boards. TSTG is currently working on contingency plans, including reassigning some routes to other carriers that have the capacity to take on those additional bus routes.
While we anticipate that a number of these routes will be covered, it is possible that some may not be. Should that be the case, delays are possible and parents may wish to consider alternative arrangements.

At this point in time, it is not possible to provide a complete list of potentially impacted schools, however once that becomes clear, individual schools will be notified directly by TSTG this week.

Please note that at the beginning of each new school year there is always a short adjustment period as new drivers familiarize themselves with new routes and students. As well, local conditions such as inclement weather (rain), road construction, traffic congestion and unforeseen vehicle breakdowns may impact the timely running of school buses. To ensure that you have access to the latest transportation information, you are encouraged to sign up for the transportation portal to receive email notifications when bus companies report late buses. Delays will also be posted to .

In addition, you can get information about transportation services for your child by calling our transportation office at 416-394-4BUS (416-394-4287) or emailing transportation@torontoschoolbus.org. If you have a concern about the service you are receiving, please email complaint@torontoschoolbus.org so that we can follow up with the bus operator to address your concerns.

You can also contact your local school for transportation information. Many schools post bus routes on the windows at the main office. School transportation boundary maps can also be viewed on our website at .
Despite these last minute adjustments, we are confident that we will be able to work with our operators to find a solution. We look forward to a successful start to the 2019-2020 school year.

