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Bloor Collegiate Institute New School

Front entrance background picture


A new Secondary School to accommodate the Bloor Collegiate Institute and ALPHA II Alternative academic programs.



Project Address: 90 Croatia St, Toronto, ON M6H 1K9

ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ is building a new four storey 110,000sf state of the art secondary school for Bloor Collegiate Institute and ALPHA II Alternative School. The new 924 pupil place school will have a direct connection and presence to Bloor Street through an improved pedestrian pathway that will arrive at a plaza and an outdoor student common. The landscaped area will include 2 basketball courts along with soft landscape seating areas and outdoor classrooms. The building layout and massing will be clear and open to provide lines of site, and interconnected spaces within the building will reinforce the connected community of the school.



This project has been reinvented from a proposal developed in 2011 that would have resulted in a deep retrofit to the Brockton building to receive and expand Bloor CI into a 1,200 pupil place secondary school.

The plan for the current project is to build a new secondary school in place of the existing Brockton building. The student population of Bloor CI have been temporarily relocated to Central Technical School until the construction of the new school is complete.

ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ has determined the existing parking lot at 42 Brockton Crescent is not required for the new school and has declared it surplus for disposition. Toronto Lands Corporation is in the process of completing necessary steps to dispose of the property.


Once completed the school community will benefit from the following:

  • A new modern and state of the art school building
  • Eliminate the operating costs of two deteriorating facilities to allow for the construction of a new single school suitable to the program requirements.
  • Direct connection and presence to Bloor Street through the existing pathway which will be reinforced by expanding and improving the pedestrian pathway.
  • The entrance from the Bloor St. pathway will be the main point of arrival with an arrival plaza and an outdoor student common.
  • Enhanced use of outdoor areas through various hard and soft landscaped surfaces.
  • The landscaped area will include 2 basketball courts along with soft landscape seating areas and outdoor classrooms.
  • The building layout and massing will be clear and open with the intent to provide lines of site and interconnected spaces
  • A fully accessible school with new elevator