The ÎÛÎÛÂþ» (ÎÛÎÛÂþ») is proud to recognize Hindu Heritage Month during the month of November. This heritage has been celebrated by our students, staff, and the community since April 2018 as a result of a motion passed the Board of Trustees. Further, Hindu Heritage Month is also recognized in the Province of Ontario since 2016 with the declaration Hindu Heritage Month Act, 2016.
states, Ontario is home to a large and vibrant Hindu community. Since the first Hindu immigrants arrived in Canada at the beginning of the 20th century, Hindu Canadians from across Ontario have made significant contributions across all fields: science, education, medicine, law, politics, business, culture, and sports. Hindu Canadians have helped build Ontario into the multicultural success story that it is and have helped to build this province into the best place to live, work and raise families. They continue to help foster growth, prosperity, and innovation throughout Ontario.
Hinduism is one of the oldest living religions which have flourished for over 10,000 years. It is an occasion to recognize and celebrate the rich tapestry of traditions, teachings and values that are integral to Hinduism and practiced by millions around the world today. November is an opportunity to celebrate the Hindu way of life, examine its impact and contributions to the world culture, and recognize values which promote compassion, tolerance, and inclusion.
This year’s theme is Antah Shanti for Vishwa Shanti. This Sanskrit phrase conveys that to foster World (Vishwa) Peace (Shanti) we need to have Inner (Antah) Peace (Shanti).
Hindu dharma recognizes three levels of peace. The first level is inner peace – that in the mind of a person. The second level is peace in our immediate environment: in our family, neighbourhood, school, and community. The third level is peace in the world, between nations. That is why, at the end of prayers, Hindus chant OM Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.
Inner peace is the foundation to build peace in our immediate environment. A peaceful state of mind is essential for the courage, confidence and compassion required to act for the greater good of humanity.
When we feel peace within us, the journey towards Vishwa Shanti or World Peace has begun.
During the month of November several Hindu Heritage Month educational opportunities are being organized for all ÎÛÎÛÂþ» students to further learn about Hindu traditions. These offerings include primary students having an opportunity to engage in an author reading and all grade level to participate in various workshops. Students from the ÎÛÎÛÂþ» will have the opportunity to learn Chess. This interesting board game originated in India in the early 1700 and continues to challenge participants strategic skills.
Please enjoy of our Hindu Heritage Month celebration held at Calico Public School.
We are also excited to share with you the three winning images below from our Hindu Heritage Month Poster Contest where all students across the system were invited to participate.
Please follow us on X for daily messages throughout the month of November: