PHONE NUMBER: (416) 394-2383


EMAIL ADDRESS: Humewood@tdsb.on.ca


Humewood Community School's Mission Statement

Humewood Community School is located north of St. Clair Ave. and west of Christie St. at 15 Cherrywood Ave. The original school building was erected in 1914, but it was replaced in 1972.  

The school serves approximately 600 children who come from diverse cultural backgrounds. Many speak languages other than English or French. 
Humewood Community School opens at 7:30 a.m. and has a Day Care and a Before/After Care Program. The school is permitted for activities that serve both the adults and children in the community.

We offer both French Immersion and English programming from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8. Technology is readily accessible to all students, and is one of the many tools they use daily as they engage in inquiry to build and understanding of the curriculum, social justice issues, and various ways we can create greater equity in our world.

The Arts

Humewood Community School offers a variety of Arts-based programming.
Here are some of the extra-curriculars that are often available throughout the school year: 
  • Strings - Grade 6 to 8
  • Guitar Club
  • Choirs
  • Drumming Workshops
  • CrHuskies Art Club
  • Drama Club
  • School Play


More Information About Humewood Community School

Athletics & Co-Curricular

"The Home of the Huskies".  Humewood  has a very active co-curricular program.  The school may offer the following:
  • Basketball Team (Girls and Boys)
  • Cross Country Team
  • Ice Hockey (Co-ed)
  • Softball (Co-ed)
  • Track and Field Team
  • Volleyball Team (Girls and Boys)

A variety of Intramurals are also offered.  Some
  •  Dodgeball (Primary) 
  • Floor Hockey(Junior)
  • Volleyball
  • Handball

Native Languages Program

Students in Kindergarten to Grade 8 have the option of enrolling in our Native Language program. The curriculum includes the study of culture, traditions, history, worldviews, and the Ojibwe language.


Humewood is currently a Gold certified Eco-school.  Many new initiatives and activities are planned for student and community involvement with the goal of earning gold status and beyond.  We intend to let our diligent recycling program, school garden initiative, and classroom curricular programming help us achieve this goal!

We encourage all of our students to bring a BOOMERANG lunch to school, where reusable containers, wrappers, and food scraps are taken back home to be sorted in recycling/compost bins.  It's a great indicator of just how much (or how little!) waste we are actually producing.

Community Programs

Humewood has enjoyed successful working partnerships with the following groups that have provided enrichment opportunities for our staff, students, and parents:
  • Jump Rope for Heart
  • Roots of Empathy
  • Chess Institute of Canada
  • Restorative Practices
  • Gender-Based Violence Prevention

As well, our annual Fall Fair is a wonderfully successful event that brings community members together for the purpose of welcoming families to the school environment through interactive activities and raising funds to support school enrichment opportunities.

Student Life - Where You Belong


Humewood Community School has a variety of clubs and co-curricular activities.  As well,  our After Four Program offers a number of choices for both primary and junior students.  Students can register for these programs in the fall, winter, or spring term. 


Humewood is an OPAL (Outdoor Play and Learning) school!  
We use loose parts during outdoor play and recess 


Our community members are an important component of our school life. We value the extended partnerships that have been established and work closely with the community on the following: 
  • Humewood Fall Fair 
  • Public Health - Use of community resources 
  • Oakwood Public Library 
  • Fire Station 
  • Phil White Arena, 
  • OISE Teacher Candidate Program, 
  • Secondary School Co-operative Education Program 
  • Parks and Recreation programs 
  • kating Rink  
  • An active School Council 
  • Regular parent volunteers who assist in the classrooms and on excursions  
  • Humewood Daycare 
  • Maplewood Before and After Care 
  • Mothercraft