PHONE NUMBER: (416) 394-2210


EMAIL ADDRESS: Bala@tdsb.on.ca


Bala Avenue Community School's Mission Statement

Bala Avenue Community School, built in 1913, is located in the old community of Weston, near the southeast corner of Jane Street and Weston Road. The school currently serves 200 students (Kindergarten to Grade 5), representing approximately 20 different languages. 

Our school offers the International Languages Elementary Program on Saturdays. This program is designed to give students the opportunity to learn additional languages, other than English and French, and to learn about and appreciate other traditions, customs and cultures.
The Boys and Girls Club of Weston Mount Dennis offers an after school program to our students ages 6-12 years old. 


We are pleased to offer Native Language instruction in Ojibwe for students from JK - Grade 5.  Bala continues to work with our ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ Aboriginal Education Centre to provide valuable and inclusive programming and support for all of our students. We are part of a Provincial Collaborative Inquiry that focuses on infusing First Nations, Metis and Inuit perspectives into the curriculum.

More Information About Bala Avenue Community School

International Languages Elementary Program

Our school offers the I.L.E Program on Saturdays from 9:30 AM -12:00 PM. This program provides students with the opportunity to learn languages beyond English and French, while also exploring & appreciating diverse traditions, customs, & cultures.

Currently, we offer Cantonese, Italian, Mandarin Simplified, Spanish, Tigrinya & Vietnamese. 

Outdoor Learning Space

We are currently developing an Outdoor Learning Space on the east end of the school property. Benches and planter boxes will be placed in a circle among the trees . The Four Traditional Medicines will also be planted in this area.

Eco School

Bala is proud to be an Eco School, supporting environmental actions and issues of our time. We promote literless lunches and engage in several school initiatives contibuting to solutions to the environmental issues that we face. Last year we were rated as a Silver ECO school!

Culturally Relevant and Responsive Pedagogy

Our teachers have received professional development in the implementation of culturally relevant and responsive pedagogy. We strive to embed the Aboriginal perspective into all our Teaching Learning Critical Pathways. Each classroom uses the lessons and rich texts from ETFO's "Social Justice Begins With Me".  We encourage our students to consider multiple perspectives.

Additional Features

  • Morning Meal
  • Lunch Program
  • Parent Resource Room
  • York University Nursing candidates
  • Albion Boys and Girls Club
  • George Brown CYW candidates
  • U of T teacher candidates
  • Humber College ECE candidates

Student Life - Where You Belong


The students at Bala enjoy a number of extra curricular activities at lunch and after school, including various clubs (jewlery, gardening, art,clubs), various intramural sports which include indoor soccer, benchall and european handball. We have a Junior Choir, co-ed cross-country and track and field; boys basketball; and, boys and girls soccer. Our boys basketball team practises after school at York Humber H.S. We thank our friends at York Humber H.S. for sharing their gym with us!
Each Grade 4 and 5 classroom has student representatives on the Student Council.  These students are called upon to share ideas, plan events and activities and assist with special events. These student leaders also work closely with our School Council and volunteer at Movie Nights and our Annual Fun Fair.
We are also a Safety Patrolers School. Many of our Grade 4 and 5 students have received training from the Toronto Police Services to monitor and assist our children as they cross the street in front of the school.


The Toronto Foundation for Student Success supports our school to provide a healthy snack program for students every day of the week. Both our Morning Meal Program, (morning snack) and Hot & Healthy Lunches are offered  5 days a week. 
Every year, we have an extended Hearing and Vision Clinic, sponsored by The Toronto Foundation for Student Success. Thanks to this generous support, we are able to offer free eye glasses to our students who require glasses.
Arts For Children and Youth continues to support Bala with visual arts workshops and projects.
 As a Fit for Life school, each Wednesday we participate in a schoolwide Cha Cha Slide & DPA.


Our School Council has active parent and community participation and supports school programs and initiatives that improve student self-esteem and achievement. Parent volunteers assist in the classroom, on field trips and at community events. Partnerships with community agencies provide summer programming, social skills support, Kindergarten readiness and lunchtime and after-school activities for children. Bala houses a Parenting and Family Literacy Centre that is open Monday - Friday from 9:00 am - 12:30.  Parents participate in workshops and classes facilitated by staff members and external partners.