PHONE NUMBER: (416) 393-0500

GRADE RANGE: 9 to 12

EMAIL ADDRESS: WesternTech@tdsb.on.ca


Western Technical-Commercial School's Mission Statement

For over 90 years, Western Tech, situated in picturesque Bloor West Village, has provided students with an exceptional Academic program coupled with state-of-the-art computer, classroom and technological facilities. In addition to offering all of the required Academic courses for University, College and Workplace destinations, Western provides the rare opportunity for students to add the hands-on high skill set often missing from high school graduates as they pursue their future Degree and Diploma programs. Our students develop their interests and direction through an exploration of our diverse course offerings in English, Social Sciences, Science, Mathematics, Art, Physical and Health Education, Technology and specialized programs.

 A wide range of courses are offered in each of these areas including the  Specialized High Skills Major programs in Robotics, Cyber Arts, and Leadership.
Western students thrive and excel, win many community and educational scholarships and awards and graduate with confidence. They develop as young adults in a school culture that values diversity, community and intellectual and emotional growth.


We offer a Specialist High Skills Major Robotics program in a new state-of-the-art robotic manufacturing teaching facility. We offer the only robotics program in Canada that integrates industrial robots into classroom curriculum. Our project-driven curriculum focuses on innovation and collaboration. Our program is designed to be cross-curricular: integrating engineering, design and programming into real world robotics. Western students consistently find success at the highest level in national FIRST Robotics competitions. Come experience the Western Advantage!


More Information About Western Technical-Commercial School

Gifted Program

This program offers an exciting alternative to regular academic programs. The courses for the program have been enhanced so that they are appropriate to the needs of Gifted students. Curriculum material is generally presented at a quicker pace, and with more depth and breadth. All compulsory Gr.9-12 credits are offered as Gifted/Enriched classes.

Students in the program also have the opportunity to participate in a number of extra-curricular activities such as the week-long Queen’s University trip, the U of T Mentorship Program, and the Shad Valley summer institutes.


Western Tech is proud to announce it's new Leadership SHSM. This program has been a dynamic part of the school and surrounding community. Students develop skills in public speaking, team building,  conflict resolution,  fundraising and event organization. Students lead school events, mentor younger students, organize workshops for the community, and lead leadership camps.

Students also complete a leadership profile which they use to help apply for university, college, apprenticeship and scholarship entrance. This program provides students with the opportunity for both theoretical and hands on application.

Dual Credits

Students have the opportunity to earn both college and high school credits concurrently by participating in this program. It is a resounding success allowing students to experience college and earn a college credit at no cost for tuition or books.Currently dual credit courses are offered at Centennial College, George Brown College, Humber College and Seneca College.

ESL Program

WTCS offers ESL programming. ESL levels A to E and various transitional courses are available to all  ESL students - from those new to English, to those perfecting their skills for university entrance.

Our ESL students are actively involved in all areas of school life such as athletics, the arts, technology and leadership, and are well-represented among our award winners. Students are also treated to an annual department field trip. There is a settlement worker on site.

Additional Features

  • Specialist High Skills Majors
  • Sports Leadership
  • Co-op Programs
  • U of T - Science Discovery Program
  • Elementary School Curricular Visits
  • Students' Council

Student Life - Where You Belong


Western students are a wonderful example of Toronto’s multicultural communities. Staff and students work together to make the school friendly, safe, caring and vibrant. Our excellent sports facilities allow us to offer numerous competitive and educational activities as well as a wide range of teams to challenge and involve students of varying abilities. The Student Council is very active and works closely with our student Leadership SHSM. We have superb technical facilities: an independent computer network and sound room for radio broadcasts run entirely by students: 20 computer labs with one computer for every two students in the school, as well as three state-of-the-art science computer labs. Eighty five per cent of our graduates move on to the college or university of their choice. Western grads are also highly sought after in the technical field. Western students thrive and excel, win many community and educational scholarships and awards and graduate with confidence and character. They develop as young adults in a school culture that values diversity, community and intellectual and emotional growth.


Western Tech goes beyond most high school programs by providing a traditional Academic program that prepares students for all postsecondary destinations, while at the same time adding unique supplementary courses that give our graduates a leg up.  Western offers over 30 Grade 12 University Preparation courses to help students put together customized University applications that truly highlight their strengths as well as their skills and interests! We also provide a full range of courses that prepare students for Community/Career Colleges and Apprenticeship programs.
We honour the core mandate of public education by welcoming and respecting all types of students, providing equitable access to the most comprehensive and diverse program in the west end of Toronto. We nurture and support students as they grow into vibrant young adults. With everything from Gifted/Enriched, Engineering/Robotics, Leadership and  CyberARTS… to Auto, Communication and Food Technologies, Western students develop skills and expertise that allow them to excel at any postsecondary destination.


Community is a key focus of Western’s school culture. Students are encouraged to join a multitude of activities, sports teams, and clubs which foster and develop social and interactive learning. Students learn and develop relationships with the surrounding communities by holding a series of invitational events such as the fall fun fair, Remembrance Day Services, and the School Open House. Students also volunteer and design outreach activities in the local daycares, nursery schools, retirement homes and elementary schools. Parents are also an important part of the Western Technical and Commercial School Community and are encouraged to be a part of many of our events. Parents, students and teachers meet monthly at the Parent Council Meetings to discuss issues and organize events that will benefit the school and local community.