PHONE NUMBER: (416) 393-0620

GRADE RANGE: 9 to 12

EMAIL ADDRESS: Danforth.CTI@tdsb.on.ca


Danforth Collegiate and Technical Institute's Mission Statement

Danforth Collegiate and Technical Institute is a composite and specialized Math, Science and Technology school that is proud of its past and ready for the challenges of both the present and future. The school motto is "We learn by doing" and, indeed, experiential learning defines the "Danforth Way". Students have access to a wide selection of engaging and innovative courses, offered in a caring, encouraging, and inclusive atmosphere.  Across the subject disciplines, from Technological Studies to the Arts, individual student creativity is encouraged and celebrated. Danforth also supports a wide range of students with special needs and is committed to the learning success of all students.



In addition to traditional academic pathways, students at Danforth can pursue a host of interests, including, but not limited to, engineering, construction, electronics, animation, cosmetology, graphic design, transportation, hospitality studies and the arts. Students are linked to business and industry through the co-operative education program and apprenticeship opportunities.
The MaST program offers enrichment opportunities to students in Math, Science and Technology that encourages achievement at high levels both in and out of the classroom. MaST students participate in a host of local, national and international competitions and invariably do Danforth proud.


Specialized High Skills Major (SHSM)

Danforth CTI was the first school in the ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ to offer students an OSSD diploma with a Specialist High Skills Major in Hospitality and Tourism.  SHSM is a customized and enriched high school experience to suit a student's interest and talents within all four pathways - workplace, apprenticeship, college and university.  Industry certification is offered in:  Food Handlers, Smart Serve, Service Excellence, WHMIS Awareness and First Aid/CPR.  "Reach  Ahead" activities such as tours, college visits and Co-op, as well as job shadowing and field trips, provide an authentic learning experience for students.

More Information About Danforth Collegiate and Technical Institute

Hospitality and Tourism

Danforth's culinary arts program is among the best in the province, with well-equipped kitchen facilities that are attuned to the needs of students, teachers and employees, alike. Access to newer commercial kitchens allows students the benefit of an industry-standard workspace to prepare for experiences and opportunities in the hospitality and tourism employment sector.

Exploring Technologies

All Grade 9 students at Danforth are introduced to Technological Studies through Exploring Technologies (TIJ1O). Students in TIJ1O follow a course rotation that showcases four Tech Studies focus areas offered at Danforth CTI: Communications, Construction, Hospitality, and Transportation. Each rotation embraces an activity-based and project-driven approach.  

Engineering Design - An Interdisciplinary Approach

Danforth's unique two-year Engineering Design program is well-suited to students with a demonstrated ability and interest in Math and Science. The emphasis is on hands-on learning and team work. Students design trebuchets, robots, roller coasters, hovercrafts, hot air balloons, and much more. This is excellent preparation for university engineering courses--and is fun too!

The Arts

Danforth offers various specialized Visual Arts courses:  Drawing & Painting, Ceramics, Dark Room (traditional) Photography, Printmaking & Digital Media.  The Performance disciplines available are in Music & Dramatic Arts.  Our Artworks Certificate recognizes students completing a minimum of 6 courses in the Arts as they explore their creative potential.

Additional Features

  • Specialist High Skills Major
  • OYAP & Co-op Programs
  • Dual Credits
  • Danforth Skills Challenge
  • Varsity and Intramural Athletics
  • Champions of Mind Student Group
  • Clubs, Clubs, and more Clubs

Student Life - Where You Belong


Being a student is so much more interesting and rewarding when you take full advantage of what your high school has to offer. Make an investment in yourself and in your school. Get involved. That's the Danforth Way! The list of clubs, teams, and leadership groups at Danforth is extensive and ever-expanding. Whatever your interest, there's something for everyone. From improv, cooking, and gaming to yearbook and  stage crew, the "club scene" at Danforth is alive and well. Consider joining one of the school's community-minded groups--Student Council, the Danforth Chequity, Danforth Ambassadors, and the Danforth EcoSchool Club. Athletics is another avenue for student involvement at Danforth. Keep fit and have fun doing it. Opportunities for participation cover a range of intramural and varsity athletic activities, including hockey, baseball, soccer, basketball, volleyball, softball, dodgeball, Ultimate frisbee, table tennis, badminton, tennis, archery, swimming, cross-country, and track and field.   The fitness centre is a great place to access aerobic equipment as well as free and machine weights that meet the needs of all fitness enthusiasts.


The breadth of course offerings at Danforth CTI reflects the diversity of the community it serves. Students can access courses across a broad spectrum of pathways, including those oriented to university, college, apprenticeships, workplace and independent living. At Danforth, it is opportunity that makes all the difference in the lives of students and sets the school community apart from so many others. Success for all students is the guiding principle that informs the Danforth Way. As a consequence, students have ample occasion to explore curricular and co-curricular pursuits that are specific to their individual interests and needs. From classroom-based enrichment opportunities to special education programming for those with learning exceptionalities, Danforth provides for an environment that is inclusive and invariably supportive. In such a setting, students are well-positioned for academic success. Indeed, Danforth students regularly win prestigious awards and scholarships and perform exceptionally well in scholastic competitions spanning a number of subject areas and grades.


The School Council is an integral part of the Danforth CTI community. Comprised of parents, teachers, students, and the school leadership team, the Council meets regularly to discuss issues of relevance to all community stakeholders and to help identify and shape school priorities. Danforth Details is a quarterly newsletter published and distributed to keep parents and guardians apprised of events, activities, and other noteworthy happenings at Danforth CTI.
Danforth's community links include mutually beneficial relationships with the Toronto Intergenerational Partnerships (TIGP), the Danforth Business Improvement Association, Toronto Police Services, Pathways to Education, Wilkinson P. S., and Greenwood Towers seniors' apartment building, a school neighbour. The Danforth Tech Society is the proud voice of the school alumni and a valued link between past and present at Danforth CTI.