PHONE NUMBER: (416) 393-0060

GRADE RANGE: 9 to 12

EMAIL ADDRESS: CentralTechnical@tdsb.on.ca


Central Technical School's Mission Statement

Central Technical School is a full service secondary school that provides programming at every level! Our motto: “To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield" has inspired thousands of students to seek the best in themselves. Located in the heart of downtown Toronto, we pride ourselves on serving a diverse student population of almost 1,600 students! The world is welcome at CTS! We boast outstanding technical programs and a visual arts centre second to none. CTS staff, in partnership with families, employers and community agencies is committed to the cultural and moral development of our students.

By choosing Central Technical School, you have an opportunity to become part of this exciting community. Our goal is to produce thoughtful citizens -who are sensitive to the needs of others and to their environment; who are respectful of the law and the rights of others; and who are able to adapt to change and to grow with challenge.

Specialist High Skills Majors Equals More Choices!

Choose one of our SHSM programs and put the Red Seal on your Diploma. Let your record card show that you are prepared for any pathway into postsecondary: apprenticeship, college, university, or the workplace. Learn from industry experts in and out of the classroom. Here is what a diploma with a SHSM designation can offer you: industry certifications including first aid/CPR, a 5 credit major package in your chosen field, co-operative education placements working along side the professionals, and more. Central Tech offers SHSMS in Construction, Hospitality & Tourism, and Transportation, no other school has more choice.

The Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) allows students in Grades 11 and 12 to get their diploma and a start on a skilled trades career! The focus is on real-life skilled trade knowledge. Specialist High Skills Majors are available for Auto, Electrical, Hospitality, Plumbing and Woodworking. Opportunity to improve your job prospects with relationships and networks in your chosen field are part of the program! If you have the interest, we want to help and get you to the destination.

More Information About Central Technical School

Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP)

Building on the success of the one-year specialized OYAP programs in plumbing, electrical and cooking - CTS has expanded its one year program to include Carpentry and Auto Service/Truck & Coach. This is a 1 year intensive program leading to an apprenticeship. OYAP includes 550 hours of in-class learning followed by 220 hours of industry experience.

Graduates write a Ministry Test that exempts them from Level 1 training, a potential savings of thousands of dollars in tuition and lost wages. To qualify for OYAP, students must be within 8 credits of graduation, have most of their compulsory credits, maintain good attendance and be under 21 years of age on the first day of school.

Specialized Visual Arts Program

The Art Centre at CTS offers the most comprehensive visual arts program in Toronto. Our program features focus study in sculpture, ceramics, printmaking, photography, drawing and painting. Our reputation for excellence in visual arts education is built on a long history of a dedicated team of teaching and working artists. See us on our website: www.ctsartcentre.ca

 Designed by Architect Macy DuBois, the Art Centre building was constructed with the defined purpose of teaching, learning and creating the visual arts.  The facility features northern glass exposures for all of its studio spaces including a sculpture studio with a foundry, a ceramics studio with multiple pottery wheels and walk-in kilns, a printmaking studio, drawing and painting studios, and photography studios for both digital and film photography.  Students taking art at Central Tech have the unique opportunity to study art in this multi-disciplinary space and program.

Technological Majors

Get a head start in a career that can lead to self-employment; or upon graduating, enter directly into the workforce as an Apprentice; or get a head-start on training for University/College level programs. The last 2 Ontario Skills Competitions say it all: 13 medalists, and a Canadian Skills Bronze medal - more than any other school in the city!

A Wealth of Choices! Tech Majors are: Graphic Design for Print, Culinary Arts/Food Preparation, Electrical, Cosmetology/Hairstyling & Aesthetics, Motorsport Technology Design/Build, Residential Plumbing, Automotive, Precision Machining, Fashion Technology, Carpentry -Woodworking and Manufacturing/Welding.

English Language Learners

Students from various linguistic & cultural backgrounds are placed in programs to develop proficiency in English required for success in secondary and post-secondary education. ELL have access to a wide range of compulsory and elective credits adapted to their needs. We also offer unique courses: Visual Arts, Hospitality, Math, and Fashion -especially for ELL.

Additional Features

  • Over 25 Emphasis Courses
  • 13 Provincial Medalist Winners
  • Music & Drama
  • Workplace Bound Program
  • Varied Co-Curricular Activities

Student Life - Where You Belong


Our students enjoy a tradition of teamwork, individual achievement, fair play and excellence. We are proud of our multi-ethnic, multicultural student population and the services we provide our students.

Our active Student Council adds to the excitement of Central Tech, resulting in a varied co-curricular programs: School Dances, Talent Show, Spelling Bees and Food Fairs - to name just a few.
We have many interesting, varied and inclusive clubs at Central Tech.  Anime Club, Architecture Club, Boys2Men, Girlz2Women, Chess, Dance Club, Gardening and Landscaping, Latin Dance Club, Math Enrichment and Yoga are just a sample of what is happening.
Virtually all sports thrive at Central Tech in a tradition of teamwork and individual good
sportsmanship. Male and female students participate in many sports such as soccer,
hockey, football, badminton, rugby, volleyball.  Many of our teams have won championships, and many more made it to the semi-finals.  Most recently, our Senior Boys Football Team was the 2013 ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ City Champions!

We welcome you to become involved.


Music and Drama

We offer a variety of music courses: Guitar, Band, Keyboards and Vocal – all continue to grow with enthusiasm. Our recently acquired Steel Pans are a source of excitement and buzz in our school. We offer Drama courses in grades 10, 11 & 12. In addition to classroom work, students participate in the Annual Sears Drama Festival.


Our School Council consists of the families of our students, community members, and the school administration, teachers and students. The purpose of the council is to actively engage parents to improve student success. It also provides a regular opportunity for  members to discuss how to make the school a better place of learning.
The principal brings important information about the school to the school council. The school council, in turn, provides input to the principal on matters related to the learning goals of the school, the school’s policies and procedures, students’ needs, activities and resources for students and parents, and ways of involving parents in the life of the school. Over the course of the school year, the school council provides a series of workshops identified through family interests i.e. Achievement in Math, Success on the Literacy Test.