PHONE NUMBER: (416) 393-1780

GRADE RANGE: 9 to 12

EMAIL ADDRESS: Oakwood@tdsb.on.ca


Oakwood Collegiate Institute's Mission Statement

Since 1908, Oakwood CI has provided a strong, welcoming, and caring community for each of its students. We strive to serve the needs of the community through exceptional programming in academics, arts, and athletics. Long recognizing that each student has specific learning needs, we provide a supportive and CARING environment to ensure everyone achieves to his or her highest potential. In meeting the needs of each student, we pride ourselves on our diversity, our equity and our high standard of excellence.
At OCI, we Believe in your child --- we C.A.R.E.!
C - Curriculum & Instructional Relevancy & Responsiveness
A - Achievement & Student Success
R – Relationships, Respect, & Responsibility
E – Excellence

We are particularly passionate about starting students off on the right foot, which is why we are the first school in Toronto to offer a gr. 9 Enhanced Pathways Program with all academic level programming for students who have traditionally selected between the Academic & Applied courses. Proud of our staff’s bold effort towards “doing something differently” for our students, this program will ensure students keep their options open for post-secondary school & in turn, their career paths. Providing opportunities & experiences that inspire students to reach new heights, develop confidence in their abilities to learn, & teaching them the academic skills that are integral for success in high school, are at the forefront of our initiative.

Supporting All Students

We are particularly passionate about starting students off on the right foot at Oakwood CI. Proud of our staff’s bold effort towards “doing something differently” for our students, our programming ensures that students are able to access and explore all options for post-secondary school & in turn, their career paths. Providing opportunities & experiences that inspire students to reach new heights, develop confidence in their abilities to learn, & teaching them the academic skills that are integral for success in high school, are at the forefront of our work.

More Information About Oakwood Collegiate Institute

French Immersion Program

Oakwood CI is proud to offer a robust French Immersion program. Students will experience two new courses, Alimentation et Nutrition & Vie Active Et Santé as part of their course of study for the Honours Certificate of Bilingual Studies in French Immersion. Many enrichment opportunities offered.

Sports and Arts & Culture SHSMs

SHSM is a ministry approved specialized program that allows students to focus learning on a specific economic sector while meeting the requirements to graduate from secondary school. We offer 2 SHSMs, in Sports and Arts & Culture. Students learn specialized knowledge & skills, gain sector-recognized certification, career-relevant training, & earn a Red Seal Diploma.

Experiential Learning & Co-Operative Education

Oakwood's Co-Operative Education program supports senior students earning credits through work placements. We have developed a diverse range of Co-Op placements in our local community which includes schools, arts organizations, community agencies and small businesses. Co-Op placements are a requirement for both the Sports and Arts & Culture SHSMs.


Oakwood CI has a proud history of athletic success. Throughout the school year, we offer a wide variety of sports teams and activities, including Soccer, Ultimate Frisbee, Volleyball, Cross Country, Basketball, Hockey, Softball, Badminton, and Track and Field.

Additional Features

  • Afro Can Club
  • Caput (Student Council)
  • OCI Ambassadors
  • The Alliance (QSA)
  • Robotics/Cyber Barons
  • School Band
  • EcoSchool Environmental Club
  • Homework Club and Peer Tutoring

Student Life - Where You Belong


Oakwood students are actively involved in the school beyond the walls of the classroom. The school is a very busy place with co-curricular activities beginning at 7 a.m. & running into the early evening hours. Students have extensive opportunities to get involved in a full range of clubs, organizations, & arts & athletic activities. The strengths of our extra-curricular programs are credited to the excellence & commitment of staff as well as the energy & spirit of our students.
Students play a significant role in school leadership. Student Council (CAPUT) has a long standing tradition of active student leadership in planning & organizing spirit events, activities, community service projects, peer mentorship, & fundraising. Students also have the opportunity to provide leadership through groups such as the OCI Ambassadors, Athletic Council, the Afro-Can Club & the Music Council. Students are proud of the key role they play in providing their voice & perspective to the school & broader community.   
OCI is a caring, compassionate, & inclusive school. Our home is shared with our Developmental Education students & together, we celebrate & embrace our learning each & every day.


Students have a full range of courses to choose from & can seek academic & social-emotional supports from our Guidance & Student Services department. For our learners who require learning accommodations, our Special Education staff  help support your individualized learning styles & needs. Oakwood staff are dedicated to supporting the academic success of our students. Teachers work hard to find what works best for each individual student and provide ongoing remedial support to assist students with their learning. Our Student Success department offers credit recovery & credit rescue programs for students who need additional supports to be successful - but most importantly, build relationships with students to achieve excellence.
At Oakwood we believe in your child as much as you do. Come and experience the Oakwood caring & creative difference -- Think other…Think OCI!

“Take care of yourself - and each other

Strive to be the best you can be

Don’t be afraid to be different --- Be an ‘Original’, Take risks

Think ‘outside-the-box’

Think ‘Other’ --- Think OCI!”


Oakwood has a strong tradition of active parental involvement in school life through the School Council, which meets monthly to discuss current school issues and concerns. School Council hosts parent information sessions and guest speakers on topics that are current and relevant to parents of adolescents.  Oakwood has a vibrant Alumni Association that networks with Oakwood graduates. The Alumni Association generously supports graduates with scholarships and awards at Commencement. The Regal Heights Residents' Association, Regal Heights Village BIA, and "Friends of Oakwood" community group work closely with the school on community issues. They have been instrumental in the beautification of Oakwood's school grounds. We are fortunate to have such passionate community partners and thankful of their ongoing support of our school.