PHONE NUMBER: (416) 393-1420

GRADE RANGE: 9 to 12

EMAIL ADDRESS: Bloor@tdsb.on.ca


Bloor Collegiate Institute's Mission Statement

Bloor Collegiate Institute, established in 1925, has a long tradition of scholarship and post-secondary success for our many graduates.  Bloor C.I. offers a full range of courses. Grade 9 students choose from a unique selection of options including a course in skills for success in high school and courses in computer arts, business and music.  We offer a variety of enrichment opportunities. Opportunities for senior students include  mathematics lectures at the University of Toronto.  

TOPS on Bloor

TOPS on Bloor is an enriched high school experience available to qualified students.  Entrance is by examination held annually in the fall. TOPS on Bloor students are highly motivated and have a deep interest in math and science.  Students in the program are grouped together for many of their classes over the four years of secondary education.  Course work is enriched in a variety of ways depending on the strengths and interests of students and teachers.  Details of the courses and the application process are available on the school website.

More Information About Bloor Collegiate Institute

Life at Bloor C.I.

We offer a variety of co-curricular clubs and workshops.  We also offer both competitive and non-competitive athletic opportunities through our teams and intramural program and participate in community events and festivals.  There is something for everyone.

Our badminton, basketball, soccer, softball and ultimate frisbee, teams have won regional and provincial recognition. Experiential learning opportunities include excursions to the courts, hospitals, MaRS Discovery District, Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute, Stratford Festival and Can Stage Theatre.

Student Leadership

Bloor C.I. is a certified gold Eco School. Our students develop leadership skills by volunteering in neighbouring elementary schools. There are curriculum courses focussed on leadership such as PLF and GPP.

Our graduates consistently develop a portfolio of academic success and community involvement that leads to regional and national recognition. Recently students have been award positions in the University of Toronto Mentorship program and have qualified as U of T National Scholars. We have had student recipients of the Queens University Chancellor's Scholarship, the Loran Scholarship and admission to Harvard University. Top graduates in the ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ in past years have often included a student from Bloor Collegiate.

Instrumental and Vocal Music Programs

Our music program offers a choice of vocal or instrumental band.  Our student performers are featured on our daily announcements, perform for community groups and stage the annual Winterfest celebration of music and dance. This year, multiple vocal groups will be part of the Sounds of Toronto Combined Choir performing at Massey Hall.

The Bloor Community

Students select Bloor as their destination for secondary school. Many cite the small, caring sense of community as a reason. At Bloor, students in all grades work together and share in a positive educational experience. At Bloor, it is cool to like school!

Student Life - Where You Belong


We are home to a diverse cultural community that speaks 21 first languages and celebrates every culture. With over 30 clubs and 20 school teams, we have something for everyone. Our volleyball, basketball, soccer and softball teams have won regional and provincial recognition. Annual hiking, camping and canoeing trips are very popular. Experiential learning opportunities include excursions to the courts, hospitals, MaRS Discovery District, Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute, Stratford Festival and CanStage Theatre.


At Bloor C.I. we believe that success is the only option and we have been providing excellence since 1925.  We celebrate our students' success with over 80 different awards annually.  Our students compete and earn distinction in national mathematics, computer science and science competitions.  Our students achieve high levels of standing in Advanced Placement exams administered through the College Board. Recent graduates have received thousands of dollars worth of awards including scholarships to McMaster, McGill, Ryerson and York universities and to the universities of Toronto and Waterloo. 


Parents support the success of their children through active involvement in the Bloor School Council, talking with teachers, reviewing the student agenda, monitoring attendance and progress and attending sporting events.  Our early warning letters and frequent report cards make it easier to track student progress.
Our other partners include: University of Guelph Humber School of Social Work; Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics; University of Toronto HSBC STEPS to University; the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education/U of T, Ryerson & Centennial Colleges - Public Health Nursing; Toronto Urban Study Centre (TUSC); Big on Bloor Festival