PHONE NUMBER: (416) 393-9450


EMAIL ADDRESS: Bowmore@tdsb.on.ca


Bowmore Road Junior and Senior Public School's Mission Statement

Bowmore P.S. is a large, dynamic Kindergarten to Grade 8 learning community of approximately 1050 students and over 90 staff members. Our school is situated in the Upper Beaches, and is the combination of the twinning of two former schools in 1989 (Bowmore Road P.S. built in 1923, and Fairmount Park Senior School built in 1963). The school offers a variety of programs, including Early French Immersion, Late Extended French, Gifted Intensive Support Program and Learning Disability Intensive Support Program. Bowmore takes pride in providing multiple ways of supporting student interests, needs, voice, and choice which is what makes it such a wonderful place to learn!

Learning & Technology

 As a school community, our goal is to create an inspiring and inclusive learning environment that fosters the critical consciousness and anti-oppressive and anti-racist stance needed for children to grow, learn, contribute and be empowered. Our teaching staff is engaged in finding different ways to design and deliver inclusive lessons to differentiate and diversify their teaching and assessment practices, utilizing a variety of digital tools including iPads, Chromebooks, interactive whiteboards, and other assistive technology. 

More Information About Bowmore Road Junior and Senior Public School


Bowmore staff are dedicated to developing critical thinking skills and improving student reading and writing achievement results and abilities. Resources in both English and French are used to support literacy learning including assistive technology, and print resources providing a cross-curricular teaching approach to integrating science and social studies. 


Bowmore continues to have a school-wide focus on Numeracy and problem-solving. With this focus, teachers concentrate on sound teaching strategies that reinforce and deepen mathematical concepts. Students engage in Three-part lessons, Bansho, Gallery Walks, and equity focussed lessons as vehicles to heighten greater mathematical thinking and understanding.

We will continue to focus on using a wide range of math manipulative to provide students with increased hands on learning opportunities in mathematics. We will also to be using digital resources including Mathology as a tool to further engage students in Math learning. 

Caring and Safe Schools

The Caring and Safe Schools Committee is responsible for helping to create a safer, healthier and more inclusive school community. The committee assembles to target facilities issues, problem-solve emergent issues, and respond with concrete solutions. It guides school wide inclusion campaigns, police intervention programs, and guidance supports.

Grade 7 & 8 leaders will be receiving peer mediation training so that they can help to mitigate and resolve school yard conflicts between students. The PALS program provides safe and inclusive opportunities for students to learn new games and activities led by grade 5 and 6 student leaders. 

The Arts

Bowmore provides integrated Arts opportunities. Students engage with programs such including presentations from storytellers, authors, dance and music groups and Indigenous artists. Strong music programs provide opportunities for students to participate in choirs and musical performances.

Additional Features

  • Anti-Oppressive, Anti-Racist Focus
  • Assistive Technology/Device Access
  • Indigenous Education / Perspectives
  • Special Education and Inclusion
  • Gold Status Eco School
  • Swimming Program
  • Dynamic Extra-Curricular programs
  • French Programs and Gifted Program

Student Life - Where You Belong


 There are an abundance of activities available to students at Bowmore: Eco Team, Choir, Art Club, Math Club, Yearbook Club, Basketball, Swim Team, Track and Field, Soccer, Cross Country Running and Intramurals. Student leaders act as school representatives on multiple committees, Reading Buddies, and Classroom Helpers, Eco Activists, etc.
PALS – Peer Assisted Learning Strategies, is a homework club that is entirely run by students. Staff supervise, senior student lead tutoring sessions in order to gain community hours that work towards their high school diploma. They are paired up with junior students who need assistance with academic struggles. The program engages up to 60 students. The power of the program facilitates harmony among students and peers alike. It hones classroom skills and builds positive relationships among the student population.
Parent Council supports a variety of paid lunchtime activities daily: Mad Science,Chess, and Art. Our Parenting and Family Literacy Centre, and Two Daycares also provide lunchtime supports for parents.


Bowmore is a large community school that serves a diverse student population. The school offers regular and special education programs, which include Gifted and Learning Disabilities classrooms. The school is also the site of Extended French in grade 7 and 8.  Teaching staff, administration, school council, families and community partners work together to create a positive, inclusive learning culture.
At Bowmore teaching staff dedicate themselves to providing students with a well-rounded curriculum with an emphasis on technology, the environment, social justice and the arts. Most years, teachers coach an array of teams, coordinate intramurals and instruct a variety of clubs. There is a selection of lunchtime programs and never a shortage of school spirit or pride!
Much of the learning that takes place at Bowmore is supported by a strong School Council and a committed parent community. Through school council fundraising efforts, students at Bowmore benefit from increased access to arts performances, enriched science and music curriculum, special events and excursions.


Bowmore has a very active School Advisory Council (SAC) that meets regularly throughout the year. They partner with School Administration, teaching staff and the local trustee to support a positive school atmosphere focused on student success. Council members participate on a number of school advisory committees. They regularly organize special lunches for students, Welcome Back & New Parent Breakfast, and special events such as community eco walks and family movie nights. The council also provides funds for Scientist in the School, Visiting Artists, Plays and Guest Speakers. School Council works with teachers to purchase enrichment items and support field trips that enhance learning. School council welcomes all parents to participate in school events and invites them to come out to SAC meetings.