PHONE NUMBER: (416) 393-1800


EMAIL ADDRESS: GlenAmes@tdsb.on.ca


Glen Ames Senior Public School's Mission Statement

Glen Ames Senior Public School was built in 1961 and named after A. E. Ames who was the wealthy owner of the Glen Ames estate on Glen Stewart until his death in 1934. It is located south of Kingston Road and north of Queen Street in the heart of what is locally known as 'The Beach'. 
Our facilities are shared with Williamson Road Junior Public School during the day and The Beaches Recreation Centre on evenings and weekends.
Our main feeder schools are Williamson Road Jr. P.S., Balmy Beach Jr. P.S., Kew beach Jr. P.S., Kimberley Jr. P.S., Beaches Alternative Jr. P.S., Gledhill Jr. P.S., and Adam Beck Jr. P.S.

Glen Ames Senior Public School is a triple-track senior school with students in Grades 7 and 8. We offer programs in Core (English), Extended French, and French Immersion. Glen Ames students have access to a range of Special Education support in all three tracks. Students rotate through a varied program, which includes Language Arts, History, Geography, Daily Physical Activity (DPA), Mathematics, Science, Drama/Dance, Music (with a guitar focus), Visual Arts and Information Technology, Phys. Ed., Pool, English (for French Immersion/Extended) and Core French. 

School Focus

Professional development for Staff in literacy, numeracy, assessment and evaluation, and high-yield instructional strategies assist students in achieving academic success. By developing challenging Inquiry Units of study, and using a wide rnage of assessment and evaluation strategies, our teachers follow the Teaching and Learning Critical Pathways model of instruction. We seek to enhance competencies in Numeracy as well, through increased professional development and allowing students access to math manipulatives in the classroom. In both Literacy and Numeracy, staff continue to analyze data available to us to improve student achievement.

More Information About Glen Ames Senior Public School


We are integrating the use of Interactive white boards, digital cameras, chrome books iPads and multimedia projectors into our curriculum. This will provide leadership opportunities for our students to celebrate success at Glen Ames. Our computer lab is state of the art allowing students to showcase their talents and abilities with up-to-date software.

Building a Respectful School Climate

We believe that a caring and safe school and home climate is necessary for effective learning. With thoughtful modelling and a well developed progressive discipline approach, we work toward our goal of fostering respect and cooperation among our students. We start each year with Guardian Week-activities to foster collaboration, teamwork and a positive climate at Glen Ames.

We Have A Dream Club/Eco Club/GSA

Our student leaders aredeeply involved in planning and implementing special events such as dances and school spirit days, and local and global outreach programs to develop leadership skills and enhance citizenship. They have supported food banks, clothing distribution to new Canadians, Me to We, Africa water projects and more.

Special Education Programs

At Glen Ames, we have an inclusive program. These students attend homeroom class for their core subjects and are integrated with regular program classes for other subjects. We also have Special Education staff who provide in-class and withdrawal support for students who require extra help.

Student Life - Where You Belong


At Glen Ames Senior Public School, staff provide relevant, meaningful, and engaging learning opportunities for all students.  Staff also extend learning outside of the classroom by providing students with many wonderful opportunities for personal, social, physical, and academic development.
Character Education is embedded within all programs and co-curricular activities. Glen Ames students participate in a wide range of co-curricular activities, including day excursions, in- and out of-province overnight trips, sports, clubs, performing arts, and local and global outreach projects. We offer these activities to help enrich the educational experience and develop our students into aware, optimistic, and responsible citizens with a wide range of well developed life skills.
Students may participate in sports-related activities, including cross-country, volleyball, baseball/softball, hockey, track and field, basketball, borden ball, soccer as well participate in clubs such as drama, visual arts, robotics, knitting, year book, and many more. 


At Glen Ames, the school community works together in a caring manner. Staff and parents work closely togethre to maintain student engagement, achievement, and a sense of belonging. Parent involvement in school life is demonstrated through School Council, fundraising, and volunteering for excursions and other initiatives.


Adolescence is a time of transition for kids and parents. To support effective parenting, our School Council has developed a popular parent speaker series, bringing parents together with specialists from a variety of areas.. Each year, the School Council strives to expand the speaker series, based upon parent need. They regular collaborate with the school to help set whole-school direction, and they raise funds annually to directly support curricular and co-curricular opportunities for our students, and help subsidize the purchase of sports uniforms, computers, robotics, music equipment and other items to support our students.