PHONE NUMBER: (416) 393-9155


EMAIL ADDRESS: Clinton@tdsb.on.ca


Clinton Street Junior Public School's Mission Statement

Clinton Public School is located west of Bathurst, south of Harbord and north of College Street. One of Toronto's oldest schools, it dates back to 1888. The present school was built in 1966 and serves over 400 students. Clinton Public School offers a strong academic program from Kindergarten to Grade 6. The school is also home to Grade 4-6 Gifted programs, K-6 Developmental Disability programs, a 4-6 Learning Disability program and before and after school daycare. Clinton is proud of its inclusive character and wide-range of learners.

High Level of Community Involvement

Clinton is known for its high level of parent involvement. The school year calendar includes family activities and regular School Council Meetings. We also have a large parent-run, non-profit daycare that make the school a community hub.

More Information About Clinton Street Junior Public School

Dynamic Music Program

Clinton has a specialist music teacher who delivers a vocal percussion and ORFF-based music program to all students. The school has a strings itinerant music teacher, a Uke/Guitar Club, and a school choir. Student talent is showcased at Winter and Spring Concerts as well as at Cafe Clinton, an annual opportunity for staff, parents and students to perform.

Silver Eco-School Certification

Clinton is a Silver Eco-School. The school promotes litterless lunches and recycling program. It has worked to 'green' its schoolyard by planting new trees and creating an outdoor classroom. Clinton is moving ahead in its greening program this year with plans to further conserve energy, compost, reduce waste and extend our gardens.

Wide-Range of Athletic Programs

Clinton boasts a wide variety of sports teams and houseleagues. The school participates annually in Cross-Country Running and Track and Field Events, amongst many more sports. It has a qualified Physical Education Instructor and many classroom teachers provide additional coaching support.

Variour Clubs

Clinton is proud to host a number of extracurricular clubs that are initiated by student interest.  Some examples are, Dr. Who Club, First Lego League, Board Games, Newspaper, Dungeons and Dragons.

Additional Features

  • Focus on Equity and Social Justice
  • Character Education Program
  • STEAM Monthly school-wide challenge
  • After School Activities
  • Qualified Teacher-Librarian
  • Special Education Supports
  • Early Reading and Resource Support
  • Co-op/College/University Students

Student Life - Where You Belong


Students at Clinton participate in many extra-curricular athletic activities including baseball, basketball, cross-country, football, hockey, slo-pitch, soccer, swimming, track and field, ultimate frisbee and volleyball. Students can also join the choir, chess club, Forest of Reading clubs and international language programs.  Our Green Team Club members support recycling, waste reduction and energy conservation.  Both our Newspaper Club and our Yearbook Club provide our students with a means of expressing their voice and sharing memorable moments with the school.  Primary students are supported by junior students through a Reading Buddy program. There are regular leadership opportunities through responsibility for daily announcements and during events such as monthly assemblies, our Terry Fox Walk and Run, Hallowe’en Community Parade, Book Fair, Fall Fair, Café Clinton, Art Night, Winter and Spring Concerts, Earth Day, Town Day, Spring BBQ, and Spelling Bee.


Clinton is a school with over 125 years of history.  Music, Gym and Library specialists on staff provide high-quality programming for students. We are proud of being a teaching-learning community with student placements from Universities across Ontario and from New York, as well as Community Colleges across the GTA and student volunteers from University of Toronto.  Clinton also takes pride in our inclusive school community.  Students, parents and staff work collaboratively to provide a wide-range of learning opportunities for ALL of our students.  We take pride in the cross-class/cross-grade collaborative learning experiences.


Clinton Public School is a community hub with a large daycare, a strong tradition of community and parent involvement and a calendar full of events that embrace every season and many curriculum areas. These include a Terry Fox Community Run, Curriculum Night, Hallowe’en Community Parade, Book Fair, Fall Fair, Café Clinton, Art Night, Winter and Spring Concerts, Earth Day, Town Day, Spring Community BBQ, Spelling Bee, monthly School Council Meetings, and a host of athletic tournaments.