PHONE NUMBER: (416) 396-6210


EMAIL ADDRESS: Eastview@tdsb.on.ca


Eastview Public School's Mission Statement

Eastview Public School opened in 1955. Additions were built in 1969 and 1973. Our school neighbourhood has a very diverse population with families from all areas of Canada and the world. Eastview has a large Aboriginal community and has been in the forefront of developing Native education programs in an urban setting.  ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ provides busing to students of First Nations background living in the Scarborough area who wish to have Ojibwa language instruction.  We endeavour to attain excellence through academic accountability, arts, and athletics.  As a Model school with a community partnership focus we offer before and after school options with the Boys and Girls Club of East Scarborough and Native Child and Family Services.

Community Partnerships

We celebrate a strong commitment to life long learning. The school is home to Eastside Daycare through the Boys and Girls Club of East Scarborough. In addition we also have an Aboriginal Head Start program (Waabanong) and a Native Parenting Centre.  We include First Nation Elders as a component of our literacy program and encourage participation from a range of parenting partners.

More Information About Eastview Public School

Nutrition Program

Eastview, in collaboration with the Toronto Foundation for Student Success, is able to offer all students a Breakfast program and a nutritious snack in the morning.  All meals/snacks offered are in accordance with Canada's Food Guide.



At Eastview, we view 21st Century learning and the use of technology as crucial to preparing our students for the world in which they live.  The integration of technology into all subject areas is one of the ways that we keep learning engaging and relevant! Robotics and coding as extra-curricular activities are open to all students.

All of our classrooms are equipped with interactive white-boards, and all students have access to either a laptop, Chromebook or iPad for use in class. In addition to that, our 1:1 program provides every grade 5 student with their own Chromebook to use throughout their time with the ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­.

Special Education Programs

At Eastview, we strongly believe that every student is capable of success when provided with the proper support. As such, our Special Education programming is offered through an inclusive model that builds on the strengths that each student brings to their classroom. 

While offering all students a variety of instructional strategies and assessment options to support their individual needs, additional supports can include Resource Support, access to Assistive Technology and Specialized Services and the creation of an Individual Education Plan. 

Additional Features

  • Indigenous Caregiver Welcome Room
  • Innovation Hub (Design &Tech)
  • Calming Space
  • Adopt-A-School Indigo Books Program
  • Instrumental Music
  • Breakfast Club
  • Outdoor Education
  • After School Programs

Student Life - Where You Belong


Students have the opportunity to participate in many extra-curricular activities such as sports, clubs, and excursions.  The varied student life provides links to the outer community and promotes positive social behaviour.  Offerings include concerts and performances, folk dancing, artists in the school, choir, cross country, soccer, track and field, volleyball, slo-pitch, etc.  clubs and opportunities are consistently offered including safety patrollers and peer mediators.  The emphasis is on providing a balanced program that offers opportunities for all students.


Eastview's dedicated staff are committed to providing a learning environment which promotes the development of academic skills, knowledge and achievement, the growth of self-esteem and responsibility, and the demonstration of respect, co-operation, and equity.  Our staff is known for their high level of commitment to students, have strengths in many areas, and a willingness to "go the extra mile".


Literacy Nights, Tutors in the Classroom, Elder Literacy Program, Boys and Girls Club of East Scarborough, Native Child and Family Services, Toronto Police Services, Kearney, Kindergarten Orientation.