PHONE NUMBER: (416) 396-6704

GRADE RANGE: 9 to 12

EMAIL ADDRESS: Birchmount@tdsb.on.ca


Birchmount Park Collegiate Institute's Mission Statement

Birchmount Park Collegiate Institute is truly a community school, benefiting from superb sports facilities and our links with Variety Village. We offer a full range of courses at each grade level that support all post-secondary pathways: apprenticeship, college, university and workplace. We are proud of the diversity of courses we offer our students. The whole school is Wi-Fi accessible and we continue to expand the use of technology across all subject areas. We support and encourage students to take responsibility for their own learning, to strive for excellence, to take pride in their accomplishments, and to develop their leadership skills in the broader school community.  

Originally built in 1964, Birchmount Park C.I. facilities continue to be revitalized to support 21st century learning. The Library Learning Commons is the centre of the school and supports learning both in the classroom and beyond. School computer technology includes lap top and Google Chrome Book mobile charts, cross-curricular computer labs, SMART Boards, and classroom computers. Wi-Fi access facilitates use of personal electronic devices across the school. The combined effect is to enhance student access to relevant information across all subject areas.

B.E.A.P. Birchmount Exceptional Athlete Program

BEAP is a unique ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ program that supports student athletes who are currently competing at provincial and national levels, to integrate academics with a rigorous training program. BEAP was created by Olympic discus thrower Ivan Pitaric and has been a very special part of Birchmount for the past 29 years. Students in the program are dedicated and willing to do the extra physical and academic work needed to achieve their sport and educational goals. Superb training facilities are provided at school as well as at Variety Village. For further information about this program or the selection process for students, please go to the school website.

More Information About Birchmount Park Collegiate Institute

Science, Technology, Engineering and Math

Students benefit from rich learning in the sciences  to better understand our changing world. To provide the best possible science education, we use the latest technology, labs & field studies, web-based investigations and guest speakers from the community. Rich hands-on learning opportunities abound in STEM classrooms - Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.

The Birchmount Park STEM team supports strong curricular and co-curricular opportunities for students. Students can get involved with taking apart and rebuilding computers, joining the Robotics or Science Club, volunteering as lab assistants, or competing in provincial contests. We host the annual BEST Olympics event for students in grade 7 & 8. This science competition is planned and organized by BPCI students and staff and builds a heightened awareness of how science in the classroom is linked to current local and global studies.

The Arts

Extensive choice of Arts courses include: Drama: Grade 9 - 12; Music: Instrumental, Keyboard, and Vocal; Visual Arts: Grades 10-12, Grade 9 Expressing Aboriginal Cultures, Media Arts and Photography. Each year we host music nights, drama nights, coffee houses and art shows. 

The Arts teachers are dedicated to supporting rich arts experiences for students beyond the classroom. The student-lead Arts Council creates many different arts events. Curricular programs are enhanced with field trips to the ROM, Toronto Symphony Orchestra and the Art Gallery of Ontario. Co-curricular clubs include: yearbook, stage crew, art club, music ensembles, and drama club.

Environmental Action

Living in harmony with the planet is a passion at Birchmount. Science courses support making connections between theory and current global environmental issues.  Environmental activism is practiced through the Environmental Action Committee. We are a Gold Level Eco School, and students volunteer to preserve and recycle, as well as to beautify sections of Toronto.

The Birchmount Park EAC leadership group continues to work towards earning Platinum ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ Eco-school status. The EAC has been working hard on a project is to reduce plastic water bottle waste by installing a specialized H2O cooler for filling personal water bottles. And, we are delighted to share that BPCI has a water bottle filling station in the main foyer and we are working to install one in the Gym hall.  

Technological Studies

BPCI supports a range of courses not offered at many other ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ schools. Students interested in hands-on experiences work on industry-standard equipment in: Automotive, Carpentry, Computer Engineering, Technological Design and Manufacturing shops in preparation for continued studies at college, university or in the workplace.

Additional Features

  • After School Tutoring Program
  • Developmental Disabilites Program
  • Special Education Gifted Program
  • SHSM: Manufacturing
  • SHSM: Health & Wellness
  • Variety Village Partnership
  • Safe Spaces / QSA Initiatives
  • Co-Operative Education

Student Life - Where You Belong


Birchmount is a hub of student activity from 7:00 a.m. until long past the end of the day. Many students start their with our breakfast program where they can pick up a nutritious meal on their way to an activity or to class. Students are involved in practices and rehearsals for athletics, band, choir, art, drama, photography, yearbook, clubs and student leadership councils. The Library is open before school, at lunch and after school and is the go-to place for students to complete assignments or research in preparation for classes.  The auto and woodworking Tech shops buzz with activity as students work in hands-on environments learning skills with direct application to "real life" and the workplace.  The Fitness Centre is busy with scheduled Personal Fitness classes and is also available for weight training after school. Students have access to extensive computer technology in class and beyond including: 6 computer labs, Smart Boards in classrooms, mobile laptop carts and iPads in specialized classes. Students have a broad range of opportunities to participate in school life. We believe that students learn and thrive in the classroom and beyond.


Birchmount is proud of its rich athletic traditions and fine facilities. We offer extensive curricular and co-curricular programs including teams that compete at city and provincial levels. Each year we offer 25 - 30 teams for male and female athletes. We are proud of the number of teams that make it to city finals and go on to compete at OFSSA. Our intramural program includes Volleyball, Indoor Soccer, Floor Hockey and Basketball as well as Yoga and Weight Room. Students take a leadership role in planning and organizing events through the Athletic Council.
Birchmount has a strong Cooperative Education program which arranges workplace and apprenticeship opportunities for motivated students who want to hone their skills on the job, not just in the classroom. Birchmount Co-Op students earn credits, build their resumes and contribute to the broader community in their workplace placements.


Students at Birchmount are committed to not only making full use of the community resources that surround it, but also giving back to that community and the world. Students regularly work in feeder schools providing environmental and musical expertise. They clean up the lake shore, plant trees in the Rouge Valley, and refurbish skates for those that don’t have them. They fundraise to support local and global organizations such as Daily Bread Food Bank, Holiday Hampers with Birchmount Bluffs Community Centre and  "Me to We”. BPCI is a school that develops people who will change the world whether it is in sports, entertainment, education or environmental protection. BPCI makes a difference. School Council is made up of dedicated parents, guardians, and alumni who host parent workshops and liaise with the school to foster strong partnerships and effective transitions from Grade 8 to 9.