PHONE NUMBER: (416) 395-3310

GRADE RANGE: 9 to 12

EMAIL ADDRESS: VictoriaParkCI@tdsb.on.ca


Victoria Park Collegiate Institute's Mission Statement

Victoria Park Collegiate Institute is located in a quiet residential area, close to the intersection of Victoria Park Avenue and York Mills Road.  Victoria Park is truly a community school; our supportive and dynamic staff provides students with a wide range of academic and co-curricular opportunities.

The school offers a diverse range of programs in mathematics, science and technology, the arts, languages, the humanities, social sciences and business education.  Finally, our well-equipped information centre allows students to learn with our teacher-librarians in a modern setting.  Victoria Park gives teens an edge in achieving the necessary skills and knowledge for a well-rounded education.

We have various experiential learning labs. Our latest addition is the Robotics Lab and Robotics Hub, where students build and test their robots for the FIRST competitions. Teams from across the GTA meet to practise before competitions. In our Biotech lab, students learn "CSI-style". We have two computer language labs, "Lab Hadfield" and "Lab Atwood" which offer students support with their reading and writing, and a STEM computer lab with 3-D printer. The "Brian Maxwell Memorial Cardio Fitness Centre" houses modern equipment that is well used before, during, and after school hours by students and staff alike.   

STEM and Robotics

We have various experiential learning labs. Our latest addition is the Robotics Lab and Robotics Hub, where students build and test their robots for the FIRST competitions. Teams from across the GTA meet to practise before competitions. In our Biotech lab, students learn "CSI-style". We have two computer language labs, "Lab Hadfield" and "Lab Atwood" which offer students support with their reading and writing, and a STEM computer lab. 

More Information About Victoria Park Collegiate Institute

Co-operative Education

The Co-operative Education and school-to-work programmes link the school and our students to industrial, medical, commercial and business communities.  This also includes our OYAP (Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Programme) in which students acquire both apprenticeship hours and high school credits. Students may also earn college credits through School Within A College.

Computer Technology

Computer technology programs, mobile labs and SmartBoards are used in a wide range of subjects. Chromebooks are used to improve literacy in Grade 9 English classes. The computer program "Read and Write Gold" is used to support students' reading and writing. Wi Fi is available throughout the school building, and students are encouraged to bring their own devices.

Special Education

A variety of special education programmes and services are offered to meet the needs of all students, including students with exceptionalities, such as behavioural and communication disabilities. Students are placed in self-contained or in integrated classes. We also offer a strong Co-Operative Education programme to students with exceptionalities.


There are several new and continuing programs to support literacy at Victoria Park including Literacy Leaders, daily sustained silent reading, White Pine Book Club, new high interest books, new computers, and writing workshops with guest authors. We offer an English Literacy skills course during the school day to help students strengthen their literacy skills.

Additional Features

  • Peer Tutoring
  • Motivational speakers
  • Nutrition program
  • Organic Gardening for the Food Bank
  • Gold Eco-School
  • Change Your Future program
  • Caring and Safe Schools
  • Mental Health

Student Life - Where You Belong


Our school offers an enriching environment for students. We have over 60 clubs and many sports teams. We have an extensive Peer Tutoring program. We participate in the Sears Drama Festival, Improv Festivals and the ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ "Dare to Create" Art Festival. Student-choreographed dance pieces were presented at the Toronto Performing Arts Centre in 2014 -2016. Music students produce concerts seasonally. We are a Gold Eco-school. Our co-curricular activities enable students to develop leadership skills and participate in the arts, athletics and student government.  Our students have excelled in provincial and national competitions, winning awards in Drama (Sears Festival), Science (McMaster U. Science Olympics, Ecochallenge), Math (Pascal, Cayley, & Fermat), Music & Business (DECA & FBLA) competitions. Our FIRST Robotics team 4914 competed in the 2014 Championships in St Louis, MO; a berth to the Finals was earned by winning All Star Rookie at the GTA Central Regional, and being in the Winning Alliance at the North Bay Regional. In 2015, team 4914 won the Team Spirit Award at the GTR Central , and in 2016 the Gracious Professionalism Award at the Great Lakes Regional in Windsor.  


Victoria Park C.I. is a school with a rich history and a strong sense of purpose and community.  Our graduates have excelled in a variety of disciplines including the Arts, Engineering, Business, Sports, and the Humanities, and have gone on to be strong members of their communities. We provide a safe and nurturing learning environment that emphasizes academic excellence, but also focuses on the whole student. Students have the opportunity to explore their learning styles, develop their leadership skills, and participate in sports, arts and interest/service groups. Students are involved in whole school projects such as the annual "Workshop Day" and Global Youth Conference. We are a pilot school for Aboriginal Education. We are a STEM school and a Robotics Hub for the ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­. Students organize an annual community-building trip to Camp Tamakwa in Algonquin Park for Grade 9 students. Our students receive regular monitoring and mentorship from senior students and staff. We have an exceptional graduation rate and many of our graduates have been accepted into Ivy League universities.


We have an active School Council with regular meetings.  Our School Council has sponsored workshops on various topics of interest to parents, including anti-bullying,  "Communicating with your Teens", "Facebook for Parents", "Dealing with Teen/Parent Conflict" and "Teen Mental Health: Anxiety".  Our community links include: Centennial College, CITI MOTIVE POWER, Change Your Future, OYAP (Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program) with placements leading to careers as carpenter and electrician, partnerships with police and student Crimestoppers, Unity, SAL (Supervised Alternative Learning) and Co-op.  Our students also participate in Girls about Girls.