PHONE NUMBER: (416) 395-3280

GRADE RANGE: 9 to 12

EMAIL ADDRESS: Newtonbrook@tdsb.on.ca


Newtonbrook Secondary School's Mission Statement

Newtonbrook Secondary School offers an engaging and supportive environment which fosters academic excellence, responsibility and mutual respect.  We encourage students to develop life skills and global competencies through diligent study, exploration of personal talents and a commitment to life-long learning in order to become active contributors in a rapidly changing world.  Newtonbrook Secondary School has a strong tradition of excellence in academics, athletics, and the arts.  We provide our students with world class learning opportunities through our extensive and varied programs and our wonderfully caring teachers. More information is available on our school website.


Newtonbrook opened its doors in 1964 and we have a strong 60 year history.  Our motto is Quisque Pro Ingenio, which means "To each according to their own talents."  Our school colours are red, silver, and white.  Our mascot is the polar bear, aptly named Polaris, as we are the North Star!

English as a Second Language Program

We offer a full range of ESL courses and support our English Language Learners in all subject areas.  We are one of the magnet schools for International Students and therefore we have a richly diverse group of students from all over the world.  We have over 45 different first languages spoken at home!

Due to our large number of newcomers, we have partnered with Centre for Immigrant and Community Services who have provided us with 4 settlement workers to support our students in their native languages:  Korean, Tagalog, Farsi, Dari, Russian, and Ukranian.  We even have an International Student Support worker. 

More Information About Newtonbrook Secondary School

Specialist High Skills Major: Arts & Culture

This SHSM focuses on providing students with a strong foundation and experience in the arts, including music, drama, dance, visual arts, communication technology and photography.  Students earn certification that include CPR, First Aid and Event Planning Leadership Skills to name a few.

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SHSM: Health & Wellness

This SHSM focuses on expanding quality learning opportunities and supporting success for all students interested in the Health and Wellness sector, while meeting graduation requirements.  Benefits include CPR and First Aid certification as well as Infection Control, WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System), and Canfitpro Personal Trainer Education.

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SHSM: Hospitality & Tourism

This SHSM focuses on providing students with experiential learning opportunities and certifications related to University, College, Apprenticeship and Workplace careers in cooking, baking, travel, tourism and more! 

Students earn Standard First Aid & CPR certifications, Food Handler Certification and Cash Register Training.  They also have the opportunity to participate in a variety of trips and career-broadening experiences.

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input info here - just wondering which one - we have highlighted the french & esl programs as well as all three SHSMs.  

input info here

Additional Features

  • Newtonbrook All In!!
  • Science Club, Robotics Club, Eco-N
  • Newtonbrook Staff Care!
  • Brook students are leaders!

Student Life - Where You Belong


Newtonbrook’s Student Activity Council is the link that unifies our students in entertaining and creative ways. Whether SAC is hosting a classy semi-formal or a thematic dance, SAC generates a friendly, inviting aura that brings us all together.  School definitely shouldn’t be exclusively to work. Friendship and social interaction are important components to the development of any teenager. The SAC office door is always open and the students do their best to enrich the lives of their peers at Newtonbrook. SAC stays true to its namesake; it provides fun activities for students and effectively creates a meaningful community by doing so.
The Newtonbrook Athletic Council promotes athletic participation and excellence at Newtonbrook.  We plan and operate fundraisers such as the Terry Fox Run for cancer and BBQ's that support athletics.  Each year we organize intermural activities in numerous sports. We are dedicated to fostering school spirit, excellence in sports and participation - that's who we are!


We offer a range of programs that get our students involved in the local, national, and global communities in various environmental, community revitalization, and social justice initiatives.  Our Business students are exposed to a variety of courses that include Marketing, International Business, Accounting and Business Management. Students also actively and successfully participate in DECA competitions provincially and internationally.

Our Assistant Curriculum Leader of the English Department, Mr. Fogel, has been leading Newtonbrook trips to Italy, France, Spain, England, the Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, and Switzerland for 15 years. This opportunity is available to students of all grades. Immersing themselves in other cultures allows the students to feel connected to our Global Village. 
Music of Brook (M.O.B.) Newtonbrook's Music Council is comprised of students ranging from Grades 9-12 in the various music courses. They assist in a number of musical and fundraising events throughout the school and have been instrumental in organizing trips to New York and Chicago.


Newtonbrook's 50th Anniversary Alumni Scholarship of $500 will be awarded for 10 years at Commencement. Awards from our Partnerships include Centerpoint Mall and Willowdale Rotary Club. Many businesses in the community provide excellent Co-op student placements.  Newtonbrook works closely with Division 32 and is a proud partner of the School Resource Officer initiative between the ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­ and Police. Community representatives support Career Week presentations. SEPT (Settlement and Education Partnership in Toronto) workers assist Newtonbrook newcomer families with access to school and community resources.