PHONE NUMBER: (416) 395-3303

GRADE RANGE: 9 to 12

EMAIL ADDRESS: JohnPolanyi@tdsb.on.ca


John Polanyi Collegiate Institute's Mission Statement

John Polanyi Collegiate Institute (JPCI)  opened September 2011 at 640 Lawrence Avenue West (Lawrence and Allen Road). JPCI is a semestered school offering a full range of university, college and apprenticeship programs.
The facility encompasses large classrooms and workspaces ideal for effectively delivering all the programs in science biotechnology, computer-technology, professional lecture hall presentations, arts and cosmetology labs, and arts and sports performances.  JPCI is committed to bringing out excellence in every student.

Click here to see school's attendance boundaries: http://www.tdsb.on.ca/moss/asp_apps/find_your_school/map.asp?focusOnSchool=3437.
For students inside the boundary who have not yet registered, please contact the school at 416 395 3303 or visit us at 640 Lawrence Avenue West.
JPCI is also open to optional attendance, accepting applications from outside that area. Optional attendance forms are available here: and can be dropped off at John Polanyi CI at 640 Lawrence Ave. West.

Other U of T links

The Rotman School of Management actually marks the second  of three major partnerships between JPCI and the University of Toronto.  More importantly is our school name.  John Polanyi is a Nobel Laureate (Chemistry) and one of the world's most respected and honoured scientists as well as a distinguished and active Professor at the University of Toronto. He is also the Founding Chair of the Canadian Pugwash Institute which was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1996 for their work internationally on nuclear disarmament. Few Canadians have contributed more to advancing science and social justice, or have been more recognized than Dr. Polanyi.

More Information About John Polanyi Collegiate Institute

Specialist High Skills Major program

As part of the Specialist High Skills Major program the school will offer in the area of Justice Community and Safety Services a grade 12 Criminology and Forensics major that has been developed with the University of Toronto's Centre for Criminology.

SMR (Science, Math, and Robotics)

The John Polanyi CI SMR program is a 4 year specialized program which is designed for students with strengths and interests in the areas of science, math and robotics.  SMR courses are enhanced using advanced learning technologies including 3D printing, video game programming, Lego, VEX Robotics, Arduino electronics prototyping, wearable electronics and more.

This enriched program allows students to become innovators in the fields of medicine, engineering, biotech, robotics and information technology.  Students will choose a customized path based on their career choices and integrate JPCI's unique offerings such as SHSM, Advanced Placement, Co-Op and Rotman's iThink Program through the University of Toronto.

Other Innovative Programs

JPCI will also offer a number of additional academic and pathways programs to support student success along with;
a state-of-the-art multimedia lab and technical design studio;
comprehensive sports facilities including a pool, weight room, and two gyms.

  • a state-of-the-art multimedia lab and technical design studio
    comprehensive sports facilities including a pool, weight room, and two gyms
  • a Food and Nutrition as well as a Technical Studies Hospitality program
  • a partnership with PACT (Participation, Acknowledgement, Commitment and Transformation) to create a expansive fresh produce garden that will convert to a skating rink in the winter
  • a fully equipped dance studio
  • a personal services lab program focussing on health and wellness

Foods and Environmental Opportunities

Our demonstration cooking classroom is directly linked with our school's professional chefs and caterers.  The widely acclaimed garden is also linked with The North York Harvest Food Bank; located right on site.  Opportunities for cooperative education remain within the building with connections to colleges, universities and community apprenticeships/workplaces.

Additional Features

  • Multi-media Studio and Robotics
  • Wireless cross-curricular computers
  • State of the Art Library Facility
  • Olympic size pool
  • Lecture Hall
  • Dance Studio
  • Easy subway access on Lawrence
  • Arts and Sports camps

Student Life - Where You Belong


An exciting part of high school is the connection of student life with academic life. To that end JPCI offers opportunities to students in all forms of leadership such as partnerships and certifications with the Rotman School of Management I-Think Program, UofT Criminology Specialist High Skills Majors (SHSM), the Environmental Eco-Schools Programs, Media Studies and our SMR enriched program.

 Sports for male and female teams are fully covered with teams in football, basketball, volleyball, cricket, hockey, soccer, indoor soccer, swimming, badminton, table tennis and wrestling. The daily intra-sports programs are also buzzing in the gyms with lunchtime and after-school weight room workouts and league games to help increase health and fitness.

 The arts is an incredibly powerful pillar at JPCI with successful performances from our programs in Dance, Photography, Visual Arts, Music, Ceramics and our award winning actors and actresses in drama and singing!  The JPCI auditorium complements all these shows.

  If students prefer a smaller group atmosphere there are unlimited clubs available in areas such as computer technology, graphics, anime, sewing, cooking and more!


Leadership comes in all forms with one fundamental purpose – to build skills in character. The extra component JPCI offers is the number of powerful partners that leverage our students’ character beyond the scope of the classroom and into the real world.

Environmental sustainability and character education go hand in hand through our partnership with PACT (participation, acknowledgement, commitment and transformation).

 The PACT “Grow to Learn” Urban Agriculture Initiative is a program designed to grow and donate organic produce to food banks across the GTA. The produce is grown at the school by youth and the school community at large. This program commenced in 2009 and is a natural outreach component of the original PACT Farm in the City program.
At JPCI the garden is partnered with the North York Harvest Food Bank which is housed within the site of JPCI.  Site gardens will be at the side of the school and at the back where the goal is a  25,000 square foot fresh produce garden with year round functions.


A successful school has strong relationships with parents. To that end, communication is key. Our School Improvement Plan (SIP) outlines our four key priorities in line with our Director’s vision of improving schools.
At JPCI we believe in communicating our updates and initiatives through the school website, twitter, newsletters and parent information evenings.

Parent Council is also involved in various school-wide initiatives; e.g. Recognition Assemblies, Commencement, evening presentations, coaching, conferences/workshops, field trips and celebratory events. Our SIP involves parent and student leaders. Parents are informed of all major events via phone calls/newsletters and the website.  There are productive bi-annual parent forums during "Parent Teacher Nights" where all curricular and co-curricular committee leaders provide key information to parents.