PHONE NUMBER: (416) 395-3220

GRADE RANGE: 9 to 12

EMAIL ADDRESS: Emery@tdsb.on.ca


Emery Collegiate Institute's Mission Statement

Emery C.I. is a school which fosters lifelong learning. We provide innovative and relevant programs in a safe and nurturing environment. Staff, students, parents, and community partners play a pivotal role in our common pursuit of excellence. We challenge our students to excel through active participation, incorporating both leadership and scholarship. We also encourage personal growth in our students, assisting  them in becoming confident, independent thinkers who are aware of their strengths in a competitive and dynamic society. We are proud of the caring staff at Emery, who enrich the academic curriculum by providing many co-curricular program for students.

Our specialized CyberScience program in our state-of-the-art Lab is funded in part by our community partners. This program offers students enriched activities in the science, mathematics, technology and computer studies.  Admission to this special program is by application. The Information Technology Centre and our broad-based technology programs feature a wide variety of high-tech equipment. Our Specialized High Skills Major (SHSM) in transportation technology prepares our students for future careers in a variety of sections of the transportation sector. Our state-of-the-art music production facility also provides student swith opportunities leading to the music production and entertainment careers.

Our enrollment and achievement at a glance

Female           332
Male              390
Total              722
Out of 162 graduates in 2013/2014, 155 attend post-secondary institutions. On the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test, 68%  were successful. On the Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics, 36% of applied level students and 42% of academic level students were at or above the provincial standard.

More Information About Emery Collegiate Institute


Our specialized CyberScience program is funded in part by our community partners. This program offers students enriched activities in science, mathematics, technology and computer studies.
Emery is part of the "For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Techology" (FIRST) program. We began with the FIRST Robotics competion in 2003.

Wth the support of the ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­, is part of the FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) program. We began in the winter of 2003. We have competed every year since then and in recent years.

Transportation SHSM

SHSM or Specialist High Skills Major in Transportation Technology, prepares students, whether they are heading to University, College, Apprenticeship or the workforce, to get a head start in a career in the transportation industry.   We have two fully equipped Auto Shops.


As part of our overall goal to engage students, Emery has a number of student leadership groups. This includes a recently developed course which provides skills and strategies for conflict resolution and accountability. Students learn skills for responsible citizenship.


Me To We/Youth Speak - Students have the opportunity to discuss social issues, e.g. 30 Hour Famine.
Girls Group - Provides our young ladies the opportunity to explore their relationships with one another and the rest of the world.
Exercise To Success - A student-teach-student model allows our students to lead exercise and group discussion at elementary schools.

Additional Features

  • Young Men Connected
  • Girls on the Move - Girl engagement
  • Band & Dance
  • Spanish Club
  • Positive Space
  • Study Hall
  • African Youth Club
  • Yearbook Club

Student Life - Where You Belong


School spirit is the core of student life at Emery. Our students show their school spirit through participation and involvement in the many co-curricular activities that are offered at Emery. Students can get involved by participating in Spirit Week, community food drives, school dances, fund raisers, Terry Fox Run, Cultural Diversity Week, joining one of many co-curricular clubs or councils that Emery has to offer. Students have the chance to have their voice heard and to make a positive change by bringing any concerns or ideas they may have to Student Council, a student and staff elected representative or students can tap into our several leadership groups at Emery. Students proudly wear the school colours, red, black and white, as they make their four years at Emery the most memorable.


STUDENT SUCCESS - At Emery Collegiate, we are committed to providing an environment for students to grow and thrive. In order to support students, we have a variety of programs available inside school and in the community.
ACADEMICS - Our Cyber Science, SHSM in transportation technologies, Robotics, coop/stayconnected, and robust Arts programs ensure that we challenge and meet the pathway needs of our students. Our students have won top honours and several prestigious Science, Mathematics and Robotics competitions.
SPORTS - Under the leadership of one of the foremost youth sports leaders in Canada, Bob Maydo, our coaches provide an enviable athletics program that serves the sporting and leadership needs of all students; from top/national athletes to novice players who are either beginning to learn the sports or just having fun.
STUDENT LEADERSHIP -  Our school leaders are enaged in reengagement activities, working with elementary students, and running many leadership activites at Emery.


Emery deeply values Parental & Community Involvement. Some of our partnerships include: York University, and Seneca College, Black Creek Community Health Centre,Youth Clinical Services, Humber River Regional Hospital and North York Women's Shelter. We also work in partnership with the Griffin Centre, Jane/Finch Community and Family Centre, YMCA of Greater Toronto Employment and Community Services, and PEACH (Promoting Economic Action and Community Health). Emery's School Council is very active and continues to welcome parents and guardians to monthly meetings.