PHONE NUMBER: (416) 395-2720


EMAIL ADDRESS: NormanIngram@tdsb.on.ca


Norman Ingram Public School's Mission Statement

Norman Ingram PS is located in the north west quadrant of Don Mills. It was one of the original four schools built to serve the new and revolutionary Don Mills sub-division in 1954.  The school is named in honour of the late Norman G. S. Ingram, who spent many years in public office.  Among his many accomplishments was his lifelong dedication to the education of students in the former City of North York.  He was a teacher, publisher of  educational text books, Trustee and then Chairperson of the North York Board of Education.   


Our School Council has a full, elected executive and many committed, active parent members. It provides advice, parental perspective and support to the School Principal, Superintendent and Trustee. Council members organize and run a variety of spirit and fundraising events, and money raised allows for the purchase of resources and programs that offer enrichment for all students. Parent volunteers assist in the school's library, in classrooms,on field trips, with extra-curricular activities, special events and school sports teams. Class parents communicate important information to all parents by e-mail or phone.

More Information About Norman Ingram Public School


Blue and Gold are our school colours and we wear them proudly at a variety of sporting activities. Our school teams excel at competitive events throughout the year, and many students also participate in intramural activities just for fun.  We even have an ultimate frisbee team!  Our banner count is almost 90 - the largest in a K-5 school in the ÎÛÎÛÂþ»­!  GO FALCONS!


The greening of our school continues!  After meeting all criteria for Gold Eco school status in 2008, work began to create both an outdoor classroom and a footprint garden.  Each class plants vegetables which flourish over the summer, tended by students and community members. We attained Platinum ECO status in 2010, and we work hard each year to maintain it!


Our library features a community mural designed by one of our teachers, and completed by students and a visiting artist. It features colourful clay characters inspired by the work of children's author Barbara Reid, and she herself unveiled the mural on Family Literacy Night 2010! Thanks to our School Council for financial support of this project.


Our library features a computer lab, and each classrooom also has working computers for student use.  Our teacher-librarian partners with teachers to instruct in the best use of media technology. Our School Council has purchased five Smart Boards, which are in constant use in a wide range of curriculum applications.We are all learning together on our Smart Boards.

Additional Features

  • Before & After FDK Program
  • Inviting Adventure Playground
  • Specialist Music Teacher
  • Ongoing Fundraising Campaigns
  • Character Education and TRIBES
  • On-site Daycare
  • YMCA Before & After School Program
  • Regular School & Class Newsletters

Student Life - Where You Belong


We work to foster a climate of inclusion, and have always welcomed students with a variety of learning needs. Currently we integrate students from our Diagnostic Kindergarten program into as many activities as possible. With such a wide variety of sports, musical, artistic, environmental, craft and leadership opportunities available, there is something for everybody!  While first priority of teachers must be delivering strong literacy and numeracy programs, they are also committed to providing a well-rounded experience for students.  They all give of their time to provide exciting extra-curricular activities. While we are pleased with our most recent EQAO results, we continue to build on this success. We are focusing school-wide on incorporating technology into many subject areas.  Teachers plan together, teach common units of study, and use consistent culminating tasks to evaluate student progress.  First Steps Writing methodology is used from Kindergarten to grade 5 to ensure a continuous approach to building Writing skills. Teachers are encouraged to deliver Mathematics programs using a Problem-Solving approach, making connections to real world situations.


Norman Ingram PS is a relatively small, community school where student success is enhanced through balanced and challenging programs delivered in a friendly, secure and nurturing environment. The staff is a dedicated group of professionals who work together with parents to ensure that all students have equal opportunities for academic success. We serve approximately 230 students from JK - Gr. 5, who reflect the growing diversity of the community. We are very lucky to house both Blue Wave Child Care, which provides day-care services for infants to kindergarten-aged students, and the YMCA Before and After School Program, which serves students from Grades 1-5.

The physical setting of Norman Ingram makes it a very inviting place! Gardens maintained by community members stretch across the front of our property, and the back of the school merges into an expansive park.  We are very proud of our outdoor classroom and footprint garden, which are both initiatives undertaken by the ECO squad and supported by parents and community members alike. 


- Parent Community was actively involved in fundraising and installation of our playground equipment
- Community volunteers assist in classrooms, in the school's library and maintain the school's teaching garden and grounds
- Close collaboration exists with childcare agencies in the school (Blue Wave, YMCA) and in the immediate community
- Classes visit Don Mills Public Library and nearby Edwards Gardens
- Teachers host Faculty of Education students and E.C.E. students from a variety of universities and community colleges
- Stores at Don Mills offer an outdoor community rink for Family Skate Night
- Collaborations with other community services are fostered: Parks and Recreation, Public Health, Police Services, Placements for Don Mills and York Mills Collegiate Co-operative Education students
- we form audiences for Don Mills MS and Collegiate musical and dramatic performances